
主题:【原创】Canon的失落(增补版) -- 晨枫

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    • 家园 关于Sony A900和Nikon,加了一段

      5DII当然还不光是保卫中场那么简单,5DII的性能还和别的厂家互动,这里,Nikon D300的威胁并不特别直接,D300毕竟是减幅的,但即将问世的Sony A900就有意思了。当年Sony回绝了Nikon,不愿意开发全幅,但现在也加入全幅的混战了。Sony在一年前宣布开发24MP的全幅芯片,坊间传闻将用于顶级的A900。考虑到Sony没有在专业顶级直接竞争的经验和顾客群,A200/300/350相比于A100不是在向上走,而是在向下滑,A900最可能的定位就是和5DII对应。Sony的定价政策十分激进,以低价和Sony的销售渠道招揽顾客,5DII必定要考虑到这个因素,防止被Sony拦腰一击。还有一个有趣的问题就是MP数。Sony A900达到24MP甚至超过1Ds Mk3,Canon怎么办?Canon显然不能正面竞争,5DII要是达到20以上的MP,将直接冲击1Ds Mk3的市场。Nikon D3的经验也证明了“可用性能”的重要性,而不是简单的MP数。或许这是Canon重新认识“MP陷阱”的机会。


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          ……However this excellent full-frame performance does come at some cost to APS-C users; perceived sharpness is reduced (due simply to the extra magnification imposed by the smaller sensor), and this amplifies the impression of softness wide open. Of course on APS-C the lens still benefits from the 'sweet spot' effects of extremely low distortion and negligible vignetting, so in the grand scheme of things this is something of a case of swings and roundabouts, with different benefits enjoyed by users of each format.

          A comparison to Nikon's AF-S VR 70-200mm F2.8G is particularly interesting. The two lenses are near-identical in specification and price, but their characteristics are substantially different. The Nikon lens clearly outperforms the Canon for sharpness on the smaller DX/APS-C format, however this comes at the cost of rather compromised performance on full frame, with significantly higher distortion, vignetting and chromatic aberration, plus extremely soft corners. This leads us to conclude that the two lenses were optimized differently, the Canon for full frame and the Nikon for DX, and illustrates how the different demands of the two formats appear difficult to reconcile in a single lens design.


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