
主题:【原创】几个著名的神奇诅咒 (上) -- 巴山夜雨

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  • 家园 【原创】几个著名的神奇诅咒 (上)


    其实人类听到的第一个诅咒并不是来自人类自身,而是上帝。<<圣经。创世纪>>第三章记载,当亚当夏娃偷吃了禁果之后,上帝分别对女人和男人作如此诅咒:“我必多多加增你怀胎的苦楚,你生产儿女必多受苦楚。你必恋慕你丈夫,你丈夫必管辖你”, “你必终身劳苦,才能从地里得吃的。地必给你长出荆棘和蒺藜来,你也要吃田间的菜蔬。你必汗流满面才得糊口,直到你归了土,因为你是从土而出的。你本是尘土,仍要归于尘土。”


    当然,几千年大家都是这么过来的,习惯成自然,也许你觉得这根本算不得一个诅咒。不过,另一个来自远古的诅咒就有点让人头皮发麻了。那就是埃及法老的诅咒。这是个大家熟知的故事,我就长话短说:1922年,英国人Howard Carter进入了埃及法老 Tutankhamen 的墓穴,发现了一个巨大的宝藏。此后许多考古学家闻风而来,但是等待这他们的却是灾难:仅在10世纪20年代,数十个进入墓穴的考古学家不久后神秘的死去。“法老的诅咒”传闻不胫而走。

    为此增添了恐怖气氛的是,其中有个死的比较邪门的 Lord Carnarvon。 开罗1923年春天,他脸上被蚊子咬了一口。刮胡子时,刀割破了被咬之处,导致伤口感染,Carnarvon很快就挂了。就在此时,开罗的所有的灯都神秘的媳灭。他死的那天早上,他的狗狂吠不已,突然倒地毙命。






    • 家园 【原创】几个著名的神奇诅咒 (下)


      先大致介绍一下美国职业棒球的情况。和NBA一样,美国职业棒球代表世界最高水平,不同之处在于它有两个联盟,分别为国家联(National League) 和美洲联盟(American League)。两个联盟之间各有千秋,并且水平相近,因此每个赛季两边的冠军还要进行七战四胜制的总决战,称为“世界系列赛(World Series)”,胜者为总冠军。

      波士顿红袜队(Red Sox)是美洲联盟中的传统强队,1918年前(哈哈,比五四运动还早)曾在七年中获得了四次总冠军,颇有公牛王朝和湖人王朝的风范。然而,1919年12月,该队的老板哈里-弗兰兹将该队的球星贝波-拉斯(Babel Ruth)卖到了纽约扬基队,噩梦就开始了。这就是让今天红袜队上自老板经理,下到球员球迷伤心不已的贝波诅咒 (Babe's Curse).



      Babe Ruth

      在此后的八十余年里,没有一个球队象红袜队这样屡次离总冠军一步之遥却总是功亏一篑。1946,1967和1975三次赛季里,红袜队都是在第七场关键比赛里输掉了世界系列。1978年,红袜队在淘汰赛中被扬基队打出一个不可思议的 3-run homer,扫地出门。1986年世界系列中,红袜已胜三比二领先,第六场中眼看便要获胜,接球手却犯了个很低级的错误,将比赛拱手让出,第二天又丢了第七场。最近一次是去年争夺美洲联盟冠军时,在形式大好的情况下,教练拒绝换下一个已显疲态的球员,导致宿敌扬基队咸鱼翻身,就此止步。

      与贝波诅咒齐名的是“比利山羊的诅咒(BILLY GOAT CURSE)”,这个对我来说有着切肤之痛,因为它的牺牲品是我的主队,国家联盟中的芝加哥幼狮队。






      2003年十月十四日,夜林紧张的坐在电视机前看着国加联盟的第六场决赛。幼狮队已经三胜二负,拿下今天的比赛,就能把佛罗里达箭鱼队(Florida Marlins)淘汰出局,五十八年来第一次进入世界系列赛。九节制的比赛已经进入第八节,幼狮队以三比零领先,眼看胜利已经是煮熟的鸭子。便在此时,幼狮队扔出的球被箭鱼队的击球手卡斯缔罗击中,直飞看台而去。幼狮队球员阿楼飞身而起,若接住该球,卡斯缔罗便出局,比赛便大局已定。不料就在阿楼手刚要碰到球的瞬间,看台上伸出一只手半空将球截了去。这下算是球上了看台,箭鱼队重获一次机会。




      本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
    • 家园 【文摘汇编之二】关于Tutankhamen诅咒来源的一种说法

      英美作家炮制恐怖闹剧 学者揭出“法老诅咒”内幕





















      (2001/01/09 精品购物指南)

      下面这篇来自James Randi Educational Foundation,是一篇评论的节选:

      Now we find that Dr. Dominic Montserrat, an Egyptologist at London's Open University, says he has traced the origins of the curse story, not back to ancient Egypt but to 19th-century England! The tomb of the pharaoh who was to become known as King Tut was discovered by British archeologist Howard Carter in November, 1922, working under the patronage of the fifth Earl of Carnarvon, a devoted collector of antiquities. It yielded thousands of objects, from gold-covered chariots and masks to beautiful jewelry, furnishings and statues, as well as Tut's mummy itself, nested in three golden coffins. The discovery, reported to the press in early 1923, stunned the world and spurred popular belief in the "mummy's curse."

      Dr. Montserrat, author of a book about pharaonic civilization titled, "History, Fantasy and Ancient Egypt," says, "My research has not only confirmed that there is no ancient Egyptian origin of the mummy's-curse concept, but more importantly, it also reveals that it didn't originate in the 1923 press publicity about the discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb, either. My work shows quite clearly that the mummy's-curse concept predates Lord Carnarvon's Tutankhamen discovery ― and his death ― by 100 years." He traces the origins of the curse story to a stage show that took place near London's Piccadilly Circus in 1821, in which Egyptian mummies were unwrapped for the paying public, and to an 1822 science-fiction novel called "The Mummy" that tells of a nasty cadaver that comes back to life and threatens the young hero, and to an 1828 anonymous English children's book, "The Fruits of Enterprize," in which mummies were set alight and used by explorers as torches to illuminate the interior of an Egyptian pyramid. Forty years later, Louisa May Alcott, author of "Little Women," wrote a short story called "Lost in a Pyramid; or, The Mummy's Curse." Dr. Montserrat rediscovered this long-lost work in the periodicals collection of the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.

      The curse idea was copied and expanded upon by other British and U.S. novelists for the next half-century. By the time Carter and Carnarvon entered Tutankhamen's burial chamber, the idea of a mummy's "curse" was well-established. Scottish author Minnie MacKay promptly published a dramatic warning that "the most dire punishment follows any rash intruder into a sealed tomb." When Lord Carnarvon died suddenly of pneumonia just two weeks after entering the tomb, the Curse of King Tut was propelled onto the front pages of the world's newspapers. An "ancient Egyptian" inscription ― "Death shall come on swift wings to him that toucheth the tomb of Pharaoh" ― was invented, and any death or misfortune associated with the expedition, however remote, was attributed to the curse.

      Montserrat says that six of the 26 people present at the opening of Tutankhamen's tomb died in the decade following its discovery. However, I can only find three. Carter, the one person who should have been struck down by any curse, uncovered and handled the mummy itself, but he did not die until 1939, aged 64.

      Lists of those persons apparently felled in mysterious ways by the Curse have been developed, and are still being expanded upon to prove the truth of the claim. Not only those who actually were involved in the discovery and excavation of the mummy, but almost anyone even remotely connected with the event, have been dragged into consideration. The child of a secretary who was once employed by a scientist who "had an opinion" on Tut, died suddenly and she was trumpeted as the "latest victim" of the Curse. A workman at the Cairo Museum who had expressed doubt about the Curse, was involved in a fatal auto accident and was said to have died muttering in ancient Egyptian, a language totally unknown today. The press had a field day with these items, and the party still goes on.

      There simply are no known genuine ancient curses relating to opening tombs or removing objects from them, but there is a stark reality rather than a myth that had to be faced by invaders. Tomb-robbers faced the wrath of the local Egyptian courts rather than that of the mummy's eternal spirit, and when caught, most were executed. However, according to ancient Egyptian beliefs, one’s eternal soul would be kept alive only if his name were periodically repeated, so the mythical mummy's curse may have ensured that Tutankhamen's name will live on for many generations to come.

    • 家园 【文摘汇编】关于Tutankhamen的诅咒的另一种说法


      新华网 ( 2003-02-21 11:19:28 ) 稿件来源: 光明网



      BBC 的报道:

      Science lifts 'mummy's curse'

      Friday, 20 December, 2002, 01:26 GMT

      Tutankhamen's tomb was opened in the 1920s

      The infamous mummy's curse of Tutankhamen's tomb has little basis in hard science, research has found.

      The curse was allegedly placed upon all those present at the opening of the tomb in the Valley of the Kings near Luxor, Egypt, in February 1923.

      The legend is thought to have originated with the death of the expedition financier Lord Carnarvon, who died in 1923 after being bitten by a mosquito.

      He developed a condition known as erysipelas at the site of the bite, which resulted in septicaemia and pneumonia.

      It was said that Lord Carnarvon's three-legged dog howled at the very time his master died, and promptly also gave up the ghost.

      According to the writings of archaeologist Howard Carter, 25 westerners were present at the breach of sacred seals in a previously undisturbed area of the pharaoh's tomb, and were therefore potentially exposed to the curse.

      A further 19 were in Egypt at the time but were not recorded by him to have been present at the site at the relevant time.

      Life expectancy

      Mark Nelson, of Monash University in Australia, followed up the personal history of all those present to see if they had indeed died young.

      He established dates of death for all of those exposed and 11 of those who were not present.

      He found that the "cursed" group had lived slightly shorter lives - but still made it on average to a respectable three score years and ten.

      Among the 25 people exposed to the "curse", the average age at death was 70 years compared with 75 in those not exposed.

      Writing in the British Medical Journal, Dr Nelson said: "The Egyptian archaeological dig in the 1920s was inhabited by interesting characters and it was this, and the circumstances of the archaeological find of the modern age, that has kept the myth of the mummy's curse in the public eye.

      "I found no evidence for its existence. Perhaps finally it, like the tragic boy king Tutankhamen, may be put to rest."

      The findings would have pleased Howard Carter, who had no time for the idea of a curse.

      He wrote that "all sane people should dismiss such inventions with contempt".

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