
主题:藏独分子引起澳9号台女主持反感(视频) -- atene

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  • 家园 藏独分子引起澳9号台女主持反感(视频)

    来源: 南极人

    刚(7:50看了9号台采访关于火炬传递, 当女主持人问藏独分子对伦敦巴黎抢夺坐轮

    椅运动员火炬的看法,这个傻藏独分子竟说好及了, 引起了女主持人反感。



    • 家园 这就是那个“意外”的达瓦才人吗?


      well done, buddy.

    • 家园 That's a good one

      伦敦火炬接力当天晚上的BBC专题报道(Road to Beijing: The Olympic Torch in London),也有一个前方记者用一个标准的提问圈套让一个藏毒现了原形。

      记者:Why you're here today?

      藏毒:(感觉很对路,摆出一脸标准的沉痛像)I'm out here to to to point out to the world that the Chinese blah blah blah...

      记者: Do you think that attacking a sporting event like this is the best way to do it?

      藏毒:(感觉不对了,马上激动起来,手也挥起来了)Well, sporting... For example, Gordon Brown's receiving the torch today. Gordon Brown's not a sportsman, he's not a good politician in my opinion. But that's... that's what it is. Sports is always linked... linked to this. We, eh, I, I do not condemn that people go out and attacking people and that's... that's not the way to do it. I, I hope it's not...

      记者:(强行打断)How far do you think people will go today to make their point known?

      藏毒:Well, as... as much as it takes. It's Probably the... the only opportunity the world will be watching...

      鱼打到了,采访画面就此切断。手到擒来,干的非常漂亮。看到那句as much as it takes,有很多人会暗自思忖:mmm, i wonder what it means... especially when it happens in London, not a million miles away...



      ▲ 藏毒分子Karma Tsreng。Thank you, prick.


      ▲ 暗中助拳的女记者,看脸型可能是Pakistani MM? Thank you, sweet.

    • 家园 达瓦才人真实才人阿!不会是国安局派出去的吧?
    • 家园 达瓦才人,你不是一个人在战斗……



    • 家园 水平真高, 闹了半天根源是中国的蓝衣护卫

      zd只是眼神太差兼色盲, 扑错了目标

    • 家园 估计ZD选手也就是这样的实力,都已经快秋后的蚂蚱了,还在洋洋得意
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