
主题:国投买Morgan Stanley了 -- 楚客

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  • 家园 国投买Morgan Stanley了



    • 家园 大摩来中国久矣


    • 家园 美林或许也将向淡马锡出售44亿美元股票了
    • 家园 新加坡GIC也刚向瑞士银行砸了110亿瑞士法郎


    • 家园 股权单位全部转换后,中投公司持有摩根士丹股份比例将不超过9.9%


      摩根士丹利目前第一大股东为State Street公司,持股13.2%;第二大股东为巴克莱全球资本,持股4.54%。

      对于中国投资有限责任公司向摩根士丹利公司投资50亿美元之举,纽约州参议员查尔斯·舒默(Charles Schumer)美国时间12月19日对媒体表态说,中投给华尔街送来急需的资金,这是好事。他认为这一投资不会受到美国政府的干涉。


    • 家园 这次悄没声的,国会也没反对?


      • 家园 我觉得



        • 家园 我也觉得还是买早了...


      • 家园 Schumer同学说额莫意见

        "It puts capital - much needed capital - into a New York institution that is fundamentally sound but has a bump in the road," U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer, D- N.Y., told reporters after a speech at the Brookings Institution. "I don't have a problem with it."


        • 家园 买的是可转债还是其它?


          • 家园 details

            we are issuing approximately $5 billion of securities to the China Investment Corporation (CIC) that mandatorily convert into shares in August 2010. This additional equity capital will build the firm's strong capital position and enhance our ability to pursue global growth and revenue opportunities.

            Mandatory convertible securities we are issuing to CIC targeted yield of 9% and the after-tax profit approximately 7% because significant portion of the yield is tax deductible. Therefore, the after-tax yield of these equity securities is only 4.75% over our common dividend yield.

            In return for this excess yield of these equity securities, we retain the first 20% depreciation of our stock price. We believe that the combination of paying less than 5% annual excess yield probably two years and seven months, the return for 20% premium is attractive to our shareholders. The 20% premium will be set above a reference price to be determined shortly.

            The number of shares the mandatory convertible securities will convert into is based on our stock price of conversion. A higher future stock price lowers the cost of the equity capital because the number of shares issued at conversion declines.

            Given this feature and the tax deductibility of the yield on the combination of regulatory capital eligibility and high equity trading from the rating agencies, we believe this is an attractive security to add to our capital base, as we pursue growth and revenue opportunities in 2008 and beyond.

    • 家园 看到这消息了,50亿美金呢
    • 家园 对于中投不看好
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