
主题:【报摘】部分日本电影制作者眼中的南京 -- 齐眉

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  • 家园 【报摘】部分日本电影制作者眼中的南京


    "Nanjing? It did not happen" No massacre, says Japanese film-maker


    In Japan, director Satoru Mizushima is working on The Truth of Nanking, the first of a three-part series alleging the massacre did not happen. "I absolutely believe it did not happen. The allegation suddenly popped up at the Tokyo tribunal," in which Japanese war criminals were tried, he said.


    Surveys show that a majority of Japanese concede that their country committed wrongs during the war, but some Japanese nationalists, who have been wielding growing influence since the late 1990s, insist the massacre is Chinese propaganda.

    "For example, Chiang Kaishek held 300 press conferences in the 11 months following the fall of Nanjing," Mr Mizushima said, referring to the leader of the anti-communist Republic of China, which was once based in the city. "He told the international media, 'Japan did this, and Japan did that'. But there was absolutely no mention of Nanjing. Not a single word."

    "This and many other things provide solid evidence the so-called massacre did not happen."

    He said his triogy would portray the seven Japanese who were hanged for war crimes, including wartime Premier Hideki Tojo, as "martyrs" who took the blame to save the motherland. "If you see the film, you will know Hitler and Tojo were absolutely different."


    http://ent.sina.com.cn/m/c/2007-12-12/00031830774.shtml 另一部关于南京大屠杀的电影,期待中,但是还不够,对于企图歪曲历史的“人”,用血淋淋的真相竟然还不够,悲且愤。




    在日本,一名名为Satoru Mizushima的导演正在拍摄一部《南京的真相》,这是第一部宣称南京大屠杀不存在的三段式影集。Satoru Mizushima称“我绝对相信大屠杀不存在。这个说法在东京审判的时候就有战犯提出过”。



    “例如,在南京陷落后的11个月里Chiang Kaishek(蒋介石?)召开了300个记者招待会 ”,Satoru Mizushima说,他提到蒋介石是中华民国的领袖,而这个反共的中华民国曾经以南京为首都。“他告诉国际媒体‘日本作了这个,日本作了那个’但绝对没有提到南京,一个字也没有”




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