
主题:iphone是超女 -- 小小曾

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  • 家园 iphone是超女


    每个人眼中的世界都是他看到的样子,因此,有理由怀疑像我这样在抓虾网站订阅了四五个技术类新闻blog的人有geek嫌疑,也因此,有理由怀疑我对iphone横空出世的赞叹不过是媒体接触习惯造成的幻觉,但是,美国主流媒体的持续关注、苹果公司在iphone发布到上市的半年市值大涨30%超越ibm,就连cctv都在新闻中播出了苹果公司wdc(wordewide developer confence)上的iphone介绍画面,新浪在iphone上市几个小时内开出专题……种种迹象证明,iphone的轰动似乎不全是我的误解。


























    bill gates说过一个有趣的现象,让用户对自己的电脑作评价,当测试在自己的电脑上进行时,电脑的得分要显著要显著高于在纸上的结果——我们不太好意思当面向别人抱怨自己的电脑,在这里,电脑变成了某种具有人格的存在。


    希望通过证明其他手机(比如tero、win ce智能手机)功能不输iphone而对iphone保持怀疑的朋友,请多想想ipod对mp3播放器市场做了什么,谢谢。




    用户体验的升级与硬件、软件都有关系。手机市场上,各品牌的硬件水平差异通常不会拉的太大, nokia市场份额世界第一的时代,其硬件配置水平一直并不拔尖,但菜单设计的合理度领先有口皆碑。但是,这种比较优势在硬件的重大突破下,会很容易丧失,因为这往往意味着模式的升级,比如多重触摸,就可以把大部分层级菜单甩在后面。苹果的高明之处就在于,只有他们,将多重触摸的意义从感应两个触点,变成了拿手撑开放大照片的便利。

    如果一定要按照标准结构来分析iphone的优势,我会说这优势在于软件,是人类史上第一次把真正的电脑操作系统(而不是电脑风格的手机系统如win ce)装进手机,而且,是人性化和易用性方面享有盛誉的mac系统。


















    Iphone没有3G,这一点引起了无数责难,可是,同样使用edge技术(中移动06年开始在广东开始推广此技术,以升级2000年上市的GPRS技术,与联通的cdma 1X抗衡),黑莓却饱受赞誉,而且,wifi的数据传输速度,要比3G更快,有如此完备的方案,谁又规定先进的手机必须支持3G?你确认不是被手机厂商和运营商所忽悠?

    关键词(Tags): #自动感应#Iphone#多重触摸操控技术元宝推荐:铁手,
    • 家园 花! 上个周日到APPLE商店去玩儿了iPhone


    • 家园 贴个微软内部人的评价吧 not official (续)


      iPhone negatives. There are the typical things that many people have noted, severely limited phone capabilities, an atrociously bad keyboard, a horrible email client, bad contact lookup. The thing is supposed to be a phone. What are the two primary things you do with a phone? Dial it, and look up a contact to dial from. Both of those actions are harder on the iPhone than just about any other phone on the market.

      But what surprises me is the UI. Apple is supposed to be perfect at this. I found the UI to be inconsistent at best. For instance, in many places sweeping your finger up and down on the screen scrolls it vertically. In some places, sweeping it right and left scrolls it horizontally. But in others that doesn’t work. Take the calendar. If I’m on the day view, I can sweep up and down. But if I want to go to tomorrow, I can’t sweep right and left. Worse, to go to tomorrow I need to touch a very small triangle about 1/3 of the way down the screen. One of the things you do to make a UI navigatable by finger is to make all of the hit targets large. But the next day target is too small. How could Apple of all people get that wrong? Or, say you want to go to a day three weeks from now. Hit the “month” view and tap the day. But that doesn’t take you to the day. It just highlights it. Now you’ve got to tap the “day” view again to see that day. That’s the kind of mistake I expect a first time UI designer to make.

      Sometimes you navigate by sweeping your finger anywhere on the screen. Others you need to touch a button. But the buttons you sometimes need to press end up being all over the device depending on the app. This is bad on two levels. First, you have to search the whole screen for them, and second, being used to one app doesn’t make you proficient in another. How could they possibly get something like that wrong? People have gushed that Apple made a device that’s “menuless.” No they didn’t. They just broke the menus into a bunch of buttons and spread them all over the device so that you don’t know ahead of time where they’ll be.

      I really disliked needing to stretch my thumb all over the place to do basic navigation. On typical phones you can do all navigation by parking your finger near the DPAD and moving it small amounts.

      I browsed to a website with a lot of text. I effortlessly zoomed the window so that the column width fit perfectly. Awesome. But, now when I want to scroll it, I need to put my thumb over the text I’m reading and move it. Every other phone on the planet has had some sort of offscreen scrolling mechanism (usually a DPAD or a scroll wheel) that lets you scroll without putting fingers in front of the text you’re currently looking at.

      There’s no real sense of “back.” I started entering a new calendar entry, but needed to get some information from something else. So I navigated to that other thing, got the information I needed, and tried to go back to the new calendar entry. The only way I could find to do it was to launch the calendar app again, at which point my half entered entry was gone.

      The much ballyhooed acceleration sensor doesn’t work very well. I turned the device sideways and nothing happened. Trouble was, I wasn’t holding the device vertically when I did it. I had it tilted at a fairly natural 45 degree angle. You have to move it up to vertical before rotating it if you want the acceleration sensor to work. You might say, “So what? That’s not hard to do.” But this is a $2500 phone that sold 500,000 sight unseen because it’s supposed to be perfect. Couldn’t they have done a better job with the acceleration sensor? I’ve used a lot of devices that switched between landscape and portrait and, while none of them were so cool as to switch by “magic” all of the worked every single time I tried to switch. I’d rather functional than magically half-baked.

      “So, what? They’ll get better.” Yes they will. See my second thought. They’ll be around for a long time. But if it had been Microsoft, not Apple, who released the iPhone, we’d be laughing stocks. Which brings me to my final thought.


      Holy double standard, Batman. When we decided to enter the embedded space, we wrote, from scratch, a new operating system designed for embedded devices. We called it “Windows” (CE), but it was still it’s own thing, separate from the desktop product. Yet everyone said, “Stupid Microsoft, you can’t just take your desktop OS and shove it onto an embedded device. Embedded has special needs.” Now Apple literally takes their desktop OS and shoves it onto an embedded device, and everyone praises them for it. That’s … frustrating.

      I see them making a ton of mistakes that we also made over the years. People lambasted us for those mistakes, but they’re giving Apple a free pass for them. For instance, how many times have people here said, “It’s a phone, stupid. It should be a phone first”? At best, the iPhone is a phone third. I’d say it’s a phone fourth. But I predict this is suddenly not going to matter anymore. That’s also frustrating.

      Imagine if Microsoft came forward and said, “Here’s a phone, but you can’t even begin to use it until you’ve hooked it up to your PC.” We’d have been laughed out of GSM World Congress. But that’s exactly what Apple is doing.

      To use your phone you have to hook it up to iTunes? Where are the “network externalities” people? Do people think Apple doesn’t have a monopoly in media players? They’re not even being covert about this. At least, with us, you were able to use other browsers. There’s no way to use an iPhone without iTunes. Why is this okay?

      And, finally, to the person who back in January proclaimed, “Finally, a phone that works,” I find it very frustrating that people are saying “Oh look, the phone part doesn’t work very well, it must be AT&T’s fault,” but, even though we have less control over the device than Apple does, whenever a call is dropped or the network doesn’t work they say, “It’s Microsoft’s fault.”

      • 家园 这年头还有人在乎微软是怎样想的么?

        微软只有学的份喽。 微软其实对萍果的水平那是佩服得无体投地。即是明着不学,暗着可是一直没停着学。在idea上,如果拿萍果比作Nike,那么微软就是港台代工。

    • 家园 贴个微软内部人的评价吧 not official


      Newsflash, the iPhone is going to be a success. That was largely guaranteed when the 31,000th article was written about it (no exaggeration). There are very few single phone models that sell more than a million units (we’ve only had something like 3 to 5 of ours do that), and the iPhone probably has already done so (or they will soon). There’s no way to look at this as anything but a success for them.

      There are a lot of components to selling a product, and making people interested in buying it is one of them. You have to appreciate how amazingly good Steve Jobs is at this. Let me say that again, 31 thousand articles written about the device before it was even released. None of them paid for by Apple. Be as cynical as you want. Talk about “reality distortion fields” till you’re blue in the face. This is an impressive achievement and I bow to his skill.


      Newsflash, Apple will be a player in the phone market for a long time. Believe it or not, I view this as a good thing. Microsoft does better competing with others than with ourselves. There are a lot of examples of this in our history, but the canonical one is IE. When we were competing with Netscape, we rocked. When Netscape died, we seemed to grind to a halt (yes, I know it wasn’t that simple). Then, when Firefox appeared, we started making cool browsers again. Look at the phone market. We’ve beaten PalmOS. We’ve beaten RIM. Nokia completely dwarfs us, but we’re growing much faster than they are and are taking share. We’ll beat them. It may take 5 years. It might take 8. But we’ll beat them. And, at that point, we’d be in the situation IE was in after they beat Netscape. But, now we’ll have Apple to provide competition for us. They’re fundamentally better at the game we play than Palm, RIM, or Nokia is. And that’s a good thing.


      Viva la revolución. I read an article about Steve Wozniak showing up in line at the Apple store and cheering about the iPhone “revolution.” At first I was pretty disgruntled about this. What revolution? The device does nothing that hasn’t been done before. Are they really claiming that snappy graphics make for a revolution? But I’ve come to realize that there is something incredibly revolutionary about the iPhone. But it has nothing to do with the device itself. The revolution is that Apple is manhandling the mobile operators. AT&T, the company, is an afterthought with the iPhone. They don’t enable the phone. They don’t gatekeep updates. They clearly don’t have any say in what goes onto it. Is this a chink in the MO armor? Will this someday translate into us getting more freedom with them as well? Will we someday be allowed to distribute security fixes directly to customers? Will we ever be able to say, “You don’t make Apple submit to this requirement, why should we?”

      Apple’s greatest weakness is working with partners. It’s our greatest strength. I don’t want to play Apple and start walking over my partners the way they do. But if my partners start saying, “Gee, I sure like working with Microsoft more than those Apple people,” that’s a good thing. And if Apple forces some of my partners start saying, “You know, some of these requirements aren’t as important as we thought,” then Apple’s is a revolution I can get behind.

      Let me give you two examples. 1) WAP. We once spent an entire release cycle adding WAP support to our browser. We could have spent that time making our browser better, but the MOs insisted that we make it compatible with junky, less capable browsers instead. I don’t know if AT&T told Apple to add WAP to Safari, but if they did, Apple told them to pound sand. 2) The GSM Global Certification Forum spec. GCF is a compliance document that all GSM phones need to pass. Its 5134 pages long. I’ve just spent the last few weeks scrambling to fix a failure in test GCF This is a test about changing the Call Barring password. You type in your old password, your new password, and your new password again to confirm it. In Windows Mobile, we do a string compare of the new password and the compare, and if they don’t match, we put up a message box that tells the user to retype them. That behavior causes us to fail GCF certification because requires that we send both passwords to the network so that it can do the string compare. Insane, right? Well one of the top five cell phone manufacturers, a company that has shipped hundreds of times more phones than Apple, is being told that they can’t ship phones in Europe if they don’t pass all GCF tests, including this one. Apple probably fails half of the GCF tests. But I’ll bet they’ll still ship.


      iPhone positives. I’m not sure if this device will ever be measured on its merits. But if it is, here are some of things I like about it. The UI is snappy. There are a lot of reasons why they’re snappy and we’re not, but I’d say the biggest is that they made being snappy a priority where we didn’t. I’m sure that, in the past, passing GCF tests was more important than being snappy. We’ll see if it still is in the future. The screen is really pretty. It’s bright and inviting, and has nice icons. The web browser is very nice, especially with the effortless and instantaneous zooming. Zooming on our browser follows the desktop model, which really amounts to, “The screen is big enough, but you may want to change the text size if your eyes aren’t good enough.” Clearly that’s not appropriate on a small screen device. Apple does a much better job here. The screen has more pixels than most of our devices do. We do support a larger resolution than Apple’s, but the screens are expensive and few devices use them. A device in the hand is better than a theoretical one in the bush. Kudos to them for putting a big screen on the device. The device is nice and small, roughly the size of my Dash, but they’re pulling some impressive battery life numbers from it (reported, I haven’t personally confirmed the battery life). Nicely done.

    • 家园 一句话,不能更换电池这种弱智设计足以让我远离iphone
      • 家园 不能换电池是很合理的,除非是把尺寸变大


        如果能让用户换电池的话,整个的装置就不太可能做的那么小了。要可以打开,要有弹簧固定电池,还要有专门槽来放电池,这些都增加了额外的空间和复杂性。除非 IPHONE 也做的象小型砖头似的,

        • 家园 问题是这个东西不是随身听,而是手机




          • 家园 其实手机早已不换电池了



          • 家园 手机就一定要能换电池?


            • 家园 手机没电的时候正好在等重要的电话怎么办?



              • 家园 这回我也不站你那边了。你的思维和用手机的方法确实落后了。
                • 家园 看来是我太笨?我想不出什么更好的解决办法




                  • 家园 你凶什么呀,没花。




                    • 家园 切,就是不乐意了,咋地吧!








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