
主题:Gold vs Copper -- bshu

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家园 Gold vs Copper

Well there was a debate on Gold vs Copper last December. It's time to do a little review. Use 12/01/2005 as the starting point, (I use this day as someone claims that China starts to long GOLD to hedge her hugh short position in Copper in December), Gold is up 10.77% till 3/1/2006. Not bad. But surprise in the same period, Copper is up 12.28%. So if you use Gold to hedge your Copper short, you still end up losing money. Instead of getting yourself out of the hole, you dig a even bigger hole. If you look at Silver, it did even better up 12.84% I didn't even count yesterday's huge price spike. Now silver is at 19 years high. It might be counter intuitive but actually Gold has the least favorable supply/demand relationship among all the metals. We are talking about defending copper soon we'll start to talk about defending silver.

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