
主题:听听滕建群对“要飞船,不要航母”新解释 -- georgenine

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家园 萨苏你先看一看这图和美军对台海做的沙盘推演的要点, 准备和你


这是美战略与预算评估中心(CSBA)军事分析家罗伯特·沃克(Robert Work)今年十一月搞的,

其中 "Near Peer Competitor"是美军给解放军的CODE NAME.


One 12-Plane CV-UCAS Squadron Will Provide a Carrier Air Wing With Impressive Stand-off Range and/or Battlespace Persistence



Key Question:

What Is the Proper Number of CV-UCASs For Each Future Carrier Air Wing?

* “Naval Vision 2020” sees one 4-12 plane CV-UCAS squadron per carrier

* Recent war games have confronted participants with a “Near Peer Competitor” with robust military capabilities:

– Anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD) network including submarines, mines, anti-ship cruise missiles and anti-ship ballistic missiles with maneuvering RVs

– Maritime and aerospace approach surveillance network

– Extensive ballistic missile and theater air attack forces

– Regional air dominance forces

– Sea denial capabilities

* Under these stressing circumstances, war game participants are generally unwilling to risk the loss of an aircraft carrier carrying 4,000 to 5,000 personnel and 75+ aircraft, especially if the adversary is armed with maneuvering anti-ship ballistic missiles

* Generally, participants opt to stand outside the range ring (1,600 nm) until the adversary’s OTH targeting network is destroyed

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