
主题:【原创】闲谈中国教育 -- 晨枫

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家园 加拿大的孩子不做这样变态的题目


How did the England combine the factors of production (land, labor and capital) to spark the INdustrial Revolution in the 18th Century?

What is the relationship between the Agricultural Revolution and the Industrial Revolution?

How did industrialization change the traditional social structure in England?

Eo what degree were responses to industrialization led by the working class?

What were legislative responses to the industrial revolution?

How did eht reaction of the new working class and middle class affect British politics?

Compare and contrast TWO of the following: Romanticism, Classical liberalism, Marximsm, SOcialism.

How did industrialization affect the arts - literature, painting, music, etc.?

To what degree was German Unification dependent on warfare?

Compare and contrast Bismarck and Cavour.

要求不能抄书,要original research,要有独特观点,必须按学术论文的格式,包括参考文献。


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