
主题:美国求学执教的见闻和感受(0) -- changshou

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家园 美国专家对聪明孩子与天才孩子的比较

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The Bright Child The gifted Child

Knows the answers asks the questions

is interested is highly curious

is attentive is mentally and physically involved

has good ideas has wild, silly ideas

works hard plays around, yet tests well

answers the questions discusses in details; elaborates

top group beyond the top group

listens with interest shows strong feelings and opinions

learns with ease already knows

6-8 repetitions for mastery 1-2 repetitions for mastery

understands ideas constructs abstractions

enjoys peers prefers adults

grasps the meaning draws inferences

completes assignments initiates (not necessarily completes) projects

is receptive is intense

copies accurately creates a new design

enjoys school enjoys learning

absorbs information manipulates information

technician inventor

good memorizer good guesser

enjoys straightforward, sequential presentation thrives on complexity

is alert is keenly observant

is pleased with own learning is highly self-critical

聪明孩子 天才孩子

知道答案 善于提问(问号多多)

感兴趣 非常好奇

细心周到 全身心投入

有好主意 有稀奇古怪甚至疯狂的主意

很努力 像玩似的,但成绩相当不错

能回答出问题 追究问题的细节,做详细阐述

名列前茅 出类拔萃

有兴趣地倾听 表现出强烈的个人喜好和观点

学得轻松 早就知道了

反复6-8次就能掌握 重复1-2次就掌握了

能领会所传授的观念 能自己构造抽象的概念

喜欢和同龄伙伴相处 更喜欢与成人做伴

抓住要领 绘制推论

完成作业 自动发起(不一定完成)项目

易于接受的 反应激烈的

忠实精确地复制 创造一种新的设计

喜欢学校 喜欢求知

吸收信息 操纵信息

技术人员 发明者

擅长记忆 擅长猜测

得心应手于平铺直叙、条理清晰的演示 越是高深复杂越是如鱼得水

警觉,警惕 极敏锐的细致入微的观察力

对自己的学习满意 高度自我批判

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