
主题:【原创】关于央视报道中国购买苏-35和拉达级潜艇 -- 种植园土

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MOSCOW – Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that 2014-2015 would be a year of youth exchanges between Russia and China. The initiative was proposed by visiting Chinese President Xi Jiping.

“We are going to support this initiative. We will do everything to enable our young people to communicate freely, discuss joint projects and plan joint initiatives for historical perspective,” Putin said after talks with his Chinese counterpart.

MOSCOW – Russia and China will be able to bring reciprocal trade up to 100 billion dollars by 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday after talks with Chinese President Xi Jiping.

Reciprocal trade, Putin said, grew by 5.1% last year to reach almost 90 billion dollars. The Russian president believes the task of bringing it to 100 billion dollars by 2015 is quite realistic.

MOSCOW – Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping opened Chinese Tourism Year in Russia.

Speaking at the ceremony at the Grand Kremlin Palace Putin said that Russian Tourism Year in China increased the number of Chinese tourists by nearly 50 percent.

MOSCOW – Chinese President Xi Jinping has become the first leader of a foreign country to visit the Operational Control Centre of the Russian Armed Forces.

The Chinese president visited the Centre on Saturday within his meeting with Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu.

Chief of Russia’s General Staff Valery Gerasimov said: “Esteemed Mr. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, you are the first leader of a foreign state whom the doors of the Russian Armed Forces Operational Control Centre are opened.”

MOSCOW – China and Russia will continue to strengthen and develop their military, political and strategic relations, Chinese President Xi Jinping said at a meeting with Russian Defence Ministry Sergei Shoigu on Saturday, March 23.

“My visit to the Russian Defence Ministry is intended to indicate that military, political and strategic relations between the two countries will strengthen as will cooperation between the Armed Forces of Russia and China,” Xi said.

MOSCOW – Inter-parliamentary and inter-regional cooperation between Russia and China will develop dynamically, Federation Council spokesperson Valentina Matviyenko said.

Opening the talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday, Matviyenko said his visit to Russia “is the major political event”. “Your visit was extremely successful,” the Federation Council chairperson noted.

She believes, “Russian and Chinese political scientists do everything possible to preserve friendship between our countries and peoples and continue comprehensive strategic partnership in all fields”.

MOSCOW – The positions of Russia and China on missile defence coincide to a large extent, Deputy Defence Minister Anatoly Antonov said on Saturday.

Commenting on the results of the talks between Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and Chinese President Xi Jinping, the Russian deputy defence minister said, “The Russian defence minister and the Chinese president noted the commonness of views on international security. Both parties voiced common concerns about missile defence and agreed to continue talks on this problem.”

Antonov said during the meeting, Shoigu and Xi Jinping “stressed the need to develop military and military-technical cooperation”. “I’d like to note that we maintain friendship with China to strengthen regional cooperation and ensure stability and global security,” he stressed.

MOSCOW – The fact that Russia is chosen for the first state visit by the new Chinese president indicates that Russia is a priority in China's foreign policy, State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin said during the meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday.

It is the first foreign visit by the new head of China. It is indicative of what priority importance is attached to relationship with Russia. For Russia, developing cooperation with the People's Republic of China is also a priority, he said.

MOSCOW – Firm relations between Russia and China are an important and reliable guarantee for the international balance and peace, Chinese President Xi Jinping said when speaking at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) on Saturday.

He said it was great pleasure for him to visit MGIMO. The university with its high scientific achievements and noted teachers is known all over the world. Many prominent people came out from the university, he added.

GORKI – Xi Jinping said during the meeting with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev that his first visit to Russia after he took office as president already achieved the goals, and the results were far beyond the expectations.

The Russian premier at the beginning of the meeting congratulated Xi on the election to the top post. "I would like to sincerely congratulate You on the election to the post of Chinese president, wish You great successes in the responsible work and express the hope that Your first visit to the Russian Federation will proceed on the highest level and will be marked with very good achievements, which already happens," Medvedev said.

MOSCOW – Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev extended the agreement with the United States on cooperation in the field of space exploration for peaceful purposes.

The agreement entered into force on June 17, 1992 and was extended three times in 1997, 2002 and 2007. “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia has received the American on the extension of the Agreement until 2020 subject to appropriate amendment,” the prime minister said.

“The agreement is one of the main legal instruments to ensure conditions for Russian-American cooperation in the field of space exploration and use for peaceful purposes. Its extension serves the interests of Russia and will facilitate effective implementation of its space projects, including those aimed at exploring Moon and Mars, and exchange of data received with the help of Russian and American spacecraft,” the government press service said.

MOSCOW – Russia and China should always remain good neighbors, good friends and reliable partners, Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Saturday when he addressed students at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO).

Firm relations between Russia and China are an important and reliable guarantee for the international balance and peace, the Chinese president noted.

MOSCOW – Russia’s multi-national computer security company Kaspersky Laboratory will be actively cooperating with the specialized Interpol division – INTERPOL Global complex for Innovation - in the struggle against cyber threats at the world level, the company’s press-service said in a press-release on Friday.

The agreement was achieved in the course of negotiations among Kaspersky Laboratory CEO Yevgeny Kaspersky, Interpol Secretary-General Ronald Noble and IGCI Executive Director Noboru Nakatani at the Kaspersky Laboratory head office in Moscow.

The Kaspersky Laboratory will provide extensive consultancy services to the IGCI in investigating cyber crimes and also delegate its specialists to the IGCI office in Singapore, due to open in 2014. Also, the company will back Interpol in its initiatives to expand the expertise of law enforcement agencies in countries around the world in fighting cyber threats and cyber criminals.

MURMANSK – The northern section of the Kola federal highway between Murmansk and the Russian-Norwegian border is still closed.

Traffic halted on the road on Friday morning due to bad weather conditions has not resumed yet. The snowstorm is continuing in the mountainous area. Road services cannot cope with the snow. Snowdrifts cover the road again shortly after it is cleared. Corridors are dug in the snow at some places.

NICOSIA – Cypriot President Nikos Anastasiades is ready to visit Russia as it possible, government spokesman Christos Stylianides said on Saturday.

Stylianides denied local mass media reports saying the Cypriot president would give up plans to visit Russia at the invitation of the country’s leadership.

MOSCOW – Russia’s Armed Forces laid the groundwork for up-to-date arms supplies for 10-15 years from now, chief of Russia’s General Staff Valery Gerasimov said.

The chief of Russia’s General Staff took part in Saturday’s meeting between Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

“Today we’ve laid the groundwork for such arms supplies as the S-400 air defence systems, the Borei submarine and the Su-35 fighters for 10-15 years from now. The plants, which produce this hardware, are engaged with orders by 100 percent,” Gerasimov said.

MOSCOW – Chinese President Xi Jinping’s first foreign visit and his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin coincided in time with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s proposal to create an offshore zone in the Russian Far East. Moscow has clearly seen new opportunities associated with the rapid development of the Asia-Pacific Region. But it will not be easy for Russia to become a full participant in the rapid growth in that part of the world or even benefit from it.

MOSCOW – Russia’s Security Council, which gathered in the president’s residence of Zavidovo on Saturday, touched on the economic situation in the eurozone with the focus on the Cypriot crisis and the outcome of the Russian-Chinese talks of March 22, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

The Security Council also riveted attention to the social and economic in Russia, as well as to international issues, Peskov said.

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