
主题:【原创】笨狼臧否世界英雄-1入围者(旧作) -- 迷途笨狼

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家园 汉藏语系 linguistic classificati

classification by linguists. 双方在书写与发音上差异太大。

In the Germanic language family, Germans/Dutchmen/Flemish-men/Danish/Norweigians can talk to each other in their mother tones and understand each other. Their writing is a bit different, but still share some obvious similarities. In the Latin language family, they can read each other's books without special training. Actually, in France, lots of Italians/Spaniards intermarry easily with Frenchmen for centuries.

Do you think a 汉人与一个藏族人可以用各自的母语交流而不用翻译?I do not think so. BTW, I saw Tibetan religious books in States, I have to admit that I totally do not understand their writings.


--Han people are not very religious people. Religion was suppressed by the gov., and regulated by the gov. Tibet is for long time a religious society: government is part of the religious institution.

Here we have not talked about other cultural differences: such as food, clothes, ways of thinking, other practices on self-governance..., etc.

If Tibet culture is so similar to Han's civilization, Han-dominant gov. in China will not have so much trouble in controlling that region.

In this world, many things might have some common origins, but they diverge over time and form their own distinctive cultures. As I replied to other people in this forum, Frenchmen/Englishmen both share some common bloodline: Celtic, Vikings, Roman ones, but they are well-acknowledged to be two different cultural groups.

读万卷书不如行万里路. 不要为了抬杠而抬杠。

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