
主题:杜拉拉和中国公司文化 -- 晨枫

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家园 咦,我怎么看到的说法正好相反。

When you compare treadmills to elliptical trainers, you can't help but notice that the elliptical trainer offers an impact-free workout. With the elliptical, there is no impact on the ground, which may appeal to people who need a gentler workout because of joint problems or pain. The treadmill offers more impact, which helps strengthen the bones.

One obvious point that is in favor of treadmills is that it provides a better training experience for a dedicated runner/jogger than an elliptical trainer. If you are training for a marathon or even a 10k, and you don't want to go outdoors too often during the colder months, you are certainly better off with a quality treadmill.

That being said, if you are looking for a quality cardiovascular workout with the maximum amount of efficiency, the elliptical is an excellent choice. Most elliptical trainers give you a total body workout if you have dual action handlebars for your arms and foot pedals for your legs, whereas treadmills focus more on your lower body as they simulate the jogging experience. What is even more interesting, according to recent studies, is that the lack of impact on the joints allows the user to burn roughly the same amount of calories as treadmills with the impression of putting less effort.

Therefore, it is no wonder that ellipticals have been the machine of choice for seniors exercisers with knee problems, as well as physical trainers who are involved in rehabilitating their clients.

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