
主题:【原创】加拿大的法轮功是如何没了声音的 -- forger

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家园 deduction is very different

from credit--deduction deducts the HIGHER BRACKET income, tax credit benefit is limited by cap rate (please check Canadian tax form).

BTW, LOTS OF CANADIAN TAX CREDITs ARE REFUNDABLE TAX CREDITS (that's quite different from the American tax credits)--so in the end, the Canadian gov. gave more money back to the taxpayers than their withhold taxes.

Google "taxtips.ca and tax comparison".

For some Canadians, they might earn $10k, pay 0 tax and get another $1,000 to 2,000 back from the gov.(federal and provincial)-- that sounds SHOCKING to Americans, but it is true in Canada. The highest returned money is in Quebec: $2,000 based on 2009 data.

America has more NON-refundable tax credits than refundable tax credits. Have you ever heard of Tax Reform of 1986 under Reagan administration? Many loopholes in the system were covered in 1986. Lots of refundable tax credits disappear after 1986.

BTW, U.S. state income tax law is very simple--much simplier than the provincial tax code in Canada.


--You can donate your accumulated wealth. That's normal. Many private equity fund managers have 0 LABOR income, but lots of capital gains on paper--you should not be shocked. Your scenario is possible, because the 10k returned money can be refundable tax credit. But more likely you will be audited by CRA these days since Canadian gov. is tightening against tax tricks.

The change mainly happened after 2009. Before, it is quite loose. CRA recruited an army of tax auditors in the last two years.

I can not write more, because I might have to send you a bill for professional consulting service then... kidding..

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