
主题:Roland the Headless Thompson -- 红绿

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家园 Roland the Headless Thompson


是一首有趣的歌。作者是Warren Zevon和Lindell(一位雇佣兵在西班牙开了个酒吧)。 Warren Zevon是一味美国的别有趣味的歌手和作曲。他喜欢写一些人性的阴暗面,同时又很有幽默感。这首歌也不例外。讲了一个有意思的故事,歌词是这样的

Roland was a warrior from the Land of the Midnight Sun

With a Thompson gun for hire, fighting to be done

The deal was made in Denmark on a dark and stormy day

So he set out for Biafra to join the bloody fray

Through sixty-six and seven they fought the Congo war

Fingers on their triggers, knee-deep in gore

For days and nights they battled the Bantu to their knees

They killed to earn their living and to help out the Congolese

Roland the Thompson gunner...

His comrades fought beside him - Van Owen and the rest

But of all the Thompson gunners Roland was the best

So the CIA decided they wanted Roland dead

That son-of-a-bitch Van Owen blew off Roland's head

Roland the headless Thompson gunner (Time, time, time

For another peaceful war

Norway's bravest son But time stands still for Roland

'Til he evens up the score)

They can still see his headless body stalking through the night

In the muzzle flash of Roland's Thompson gun

In the muzzle flash of Roland's Thompson gun

Roland searched the continent for the man who'd done him in

He found him in Mombassa in a barroom drinking gin

Roland aimed his Thompson gun - he didn't say a word

But he blew Van Owen's body from there to Johannesburg

Roland the headless Thompson gunner...

The eternal Thompson gunner, still wandering through the night

Now it's ten years later but he still keeps up the fight

In Ireland, in Lebanon, in Palestine and Berkeley

Patty Hearst heard the burst of Roland's Thompson gun

And bought it


“Roland来自挪威(land of midnight sun).他参加了雇佣军,在尼日利亚和刚果打过仗。他是在丹麦被雇佣的。66-67年浴血奋战了一番,终于为刚果人赢得了胜利。

他的同志们和他一起战斗,包括von owen还有其他人。但是在所有使用Thompson枪的人里面,roland是最牛的。牛到CIA注意到他,而在那个年代,CIA主要工作就是反共,任何左派和有潜质的人都会被盯上。CIA决定要Roland的命,他们雇了von owen干这事。von owen这个狗娘养的一枪爆了roland的头。


Roland找遍了整个大陆寻找杀他的家伙,他终于在Mombassa一家酒馆里找打了他,他正喝着gin酒。Roland瞄准了他的头——一句话也没说,把von owen的身子一枪打到了约翰内斯堡。



Patty Hearst听到了Roland Thompson机枪的爆破声



最后是高潮,patty hearst是美国报业大王家族的一个女儿,被美国一个共产党革命组织帮了架,要求hearst家族付赎金,用来分发给穷人。但是事情后来发生了改变,patty摇身一变,参加了这个解放军组织,并且参与了一个抢银行事件,被抓了。姑娘改了名字,叫Tania,这个名字取自与切 格瓦拉 并肩战斗的女性。



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    • 🙂Roland the Headless Thompson O

      • 🙂interesting umdcollegepark 字23 2010-11-14 08:03:15


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