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家园 Glenn Beck 828林肯纪念堂的集会有意思

1963年8月28日,Martin Luther King在林肯纪念堂发表了著名的《I have a dream》演讲。而47年后的同一天,Glenn Beck召集了一个名为“Restore Honor”的集会。主要是一些演讲,一个重头戏是honor为国牺牲的士兵。集会当天,他就为殉职美军家属募集了550万美元的手机捐款。

Conservative的一方(比如Foxnews的几个主播)非常赞赏Glenn Beck的做法。但liberal那儿对他意见很大,有些简直是谩骂,什么词都用上了。比如NY times的专栏文章:America Is Better Than Thi

America is better than Glenn Beck. For all of his celebrity, Mr. Beck is an ignorant, divisive, pathetic figure. On the anniversary of the great 1963 March on Washington he will stand in the shadows of giants — Abraham Lincoln and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Who do you think is more representative of this nation?


This is the historical legacy that Glenn Beck, a small man with a mean message, has chosen to tread upon with his cynical rally on Saturday at that very same Lincoln Memorial.

Beck是个邪恶的小人(Small man with a mean message)。

Beck is a provocateur who likes to play with matches in the tinderbox of racial and ethnic confrontation. He seems oblivious to the real danger of his execrable behavior. He famously described President Obama as a man “who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture.”



注:Glenn Beck被认为是茶叶党的精神领袖、Godfather。

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