
主题:黑老大发话... 弟兄们, cut short, -- parishg

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家园 time changes


--in 1930s, FDR used this desperate measure to artificially create inflation to stimulate capital investment. Now, U.S. runs risk of inflation as in early 1970s, not deflation as in 1930s. If U.S. can control its inflation stably within a <5% range, it is still possible to inflate away corp/gov/household/financial debt problems as it did in 1970s.

搜金令v2--is desperate measure for desperate time. It might be used AFTER A financial system implosion. Right now, it is less probable in America than in Europe.

I have properties in both U.S. and Canada. I do not mind saying "au voir" to Uncle Sam if it pursues extreme measures (I think it is highly unlikely AT LEAST DURING THIS decade). I am sure Canada has no need to use 搜金令--it can easily result in a popular revolt if Canadian gov. dares to pursue that path.

In sum, what ALL PEOPLE SHOULD WORRY IS THE IMPLOSION OF EUROPE in 2010-2011. And the WASP elites will ensure the European suffering drags out for years, due to the inevitable tight monetary-fiscal policy combination. The Anglo-Jewish alliance has used two simple tools and easily destroyed Greece and the trust among Europeans themselves.

I am not a U.S. citizen as you are, but I have more confidence in this "city on the hill" than you do. I know the hypocritical, deeply divided,blah-blah-talking, racist-deep-in-heart(esp., against Asians) and cowardly Europeans too well during my stay in Europe, I still do not understand why you prefer the revival of and the return of power to the Old World.

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