主题:【求助】怎么将旧电脑的硬盘装到新电脑上 -- 巴山夜雨
共:💬38 🌺1
right click "my computer", choose "manage", in that window, expand "storage" and select "disk management". you should see that old drive there, otherwise the bios parameters maybe wrong.
if you see the old drive, make sure you assign a drive letter to it by right clicking on the partition.
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【求助】怎么将旧电脑的硬盘装到新电脑上 巴山夜雨 字424 2004-12-08 08:44:30
could be just a drive letter problem
🙂会不会是这个原因 懒厨 字95 2004-12-08 15:57:28
😥这倒有可能,有办法解决吗? 巴山夜雨 字0 2004-12-08 16:06:18
使用Convert Utility Highway 字856 2004-12-08 16:45:13
多谢老轧 巴山夜雨 字44 2004-12-08 16:51:32
🙂见者有份! 懒厨 字108 2004-12-08 18:53:27
😉Home Edition支持那个功能,不过我觉得 Highway 字66 2004-12-08 20:15:13