
主题:【原创翻译】科学家发现月球上存在水 -- 王二狗

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家园 【原创翻译】科学家发现月球上存在水







Scientists discover water on the moon




WATER is widespread on the surface of the moon – even in the hottest areas, scientists said yesterday.


Separate analyses using data from India’s Chandrayaan-1 satellite and two US spacecraft, Cassini and the Deep Impact probe, found evidence of water in the moon’s soil and showed it was widespread across its entire surface, according to a series of articles to be published in the journal Science.


Carle Pieters, lead scientist for the instrument used on the Indian spacecraft to make the finding, admitted: “This is not what any of us expected a decade ago.” The finding blows away accepted beliefs that water could not exist on the moon’s surface, especially in very hot areas near the equator. In fact, trace amounts of water found in rocks brought back by the Apollo astronauts were dismissed as contamination once back on Earth.

负责印度航天器上所用相关仪器的科学家Carle Pieters承认:“这可不是我们中的任何人10年前预想到的。”这个发现推翻了一向被接受的关于月球表面,特别是那些近赤道的炎热区域,不可能存在水的观点。实际上,阿波罗航天员带回的岩石样本上发现的痕量水曾经被当作地球上水的污染而忽视了。

A Nasa instrument called the Moon Mineralogy Mapper on Chandrayaan used the data from light reflecting off the lunar surface to determine the make-up of the soil and found the water as well as hydroxyl, composed of one hydrogen and one oxygen atom against water’s two hydrogen atoms to one of oxygen.


When the initial data showed evidence of water, the scientists tried to dismiss it as water residue on the spacecraft that had been picked up on Earth, Pieters said. But the Chandrayaan data was then compared with decade-old data from Cassini’s 1999 fly-by and recent data from Deep Impact. “It’s completely conclusive; there’s no question whatsoever,” she said.

Pieters说,当初始的数据显示了水的存在时,科学家们还企图将其解释为航天器表面从地球带去的水。但是当把Chandrayaan的数据和1999年Cassini飞掠月球时发回的数据以及最近的Deep Impact数据进行对比时,“结果完全是肯定性的,没有疑问”,她说。

The Cassini data was never examined to check for water on the moon, in part because it took years to calibrate its instruments to counteract the effects of Earth water on the spacecraft.


The moon’s water is located within two millimetres of the surface, but the moon is still quite dry, with about a litre of water for every ton of soil. “Even the driest deserts in the Earth have more water than are at the poles and surfaces of the moon,” Nasa scientist Jim Green said.

月面下2毫米的深度即存在水,但是月球还是相当干燥的,1吨月球土里大概含1升水(此处不同出处说法不同,有的说一个棒球场的区域才一杯水,但是没说深度)。“就算地球上最干燥的沙漠也比月球两极的含水程度要高,”NASA科学家Jim Green说。

The US space agency Nasa is in the midst of another year-long look at the lunar surface to prepare the way for a planned return of humans to the moon.


Yesterday’s announcement is seen as complementing the ongoing mission, which next month will crash a satellite into the moon to look for water further beneath the surface. Astronomers had hoped to determine whether water could be hidden in the shadowy craters of the moon near its poles, where a lack of sunlight would prevent ice from evaporating.


Water was first confirmed on Mars by the Phoenix lander last year. — Sapa-DPA


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