
主题:被希特勒撤职的将军们后来怎么了? -- 晨枫

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家园 网络时代了,google,wiki 一下,啥都有了

这些大家伙都不用说了,小家伙都有立传呢,说个好玩的,你不是也看了Valkyrie,我那天心血来潮想,那个在历史关头起了关键作用的德军少校后来怎么样了?就是那个爱游泳的,去逮捕戈培尔,被元首恩招的Otto Ernst Remer


Remer went on to command an expanded Führer Begleit Brigade (FBB), a field unit formed from a Grossdeutschland cadre, in East Prussia with little success. His men suffered high casualties, reportedly due to his leadership. The brigade then transferred to the west for the Ardennes Offensive, in December 1944, and again suffered high casualties for little gain.

In 1945, when the FBB was expanded to divisional status, he was promoted to generalmajor (major general), and appointed to command it. He was not considered a successful division commander, for when the FBD moved to Silesia in March 1945, Remer was criticized for lack of ability once again. He was eventually captured by US troops, and remained a prisoner of war until 1947.



Remer's Socialist Reich Party, which he had co-founded in 1950, was banned in 1952, after it had gathered about 360,000 supporters in Lower Saxony, and won 16 seats in the state parliament. The Socialist Reich Party also won eight seats in the Bremen state parliament.


Remer discussed this incident in the British TV documentary series The World At War, produced in the early 1970s. He appeared to have no regrets about his role in crushing the plot, nor the war in general.

From 1991 to 1994, Remer put out his own publication, the Remer-Depesche. Remer was sentenced to 22 months of imprisonment in October 1992, for writing and publishing a number of articles that were said to incite racial hatred, through their questioning of the Holocaust. He filed numerous appeals, and eventually fled to Spain, prior to his actually being incarcerated


In February 1994, Remer went into exile in Spain, in a successful effort to avoid imprisonment for his controversial public statements about the Holocaust. Remer was an avid supporter of studies by key individuals in Holocaust denial, such as Fred Leuchter and Germar Rudolf.

The high court of Spain ruled against appeals made by the German government to extradite Remer, claiming that he had not committed any crime. Later living in Egypt and Syria, Remer returned to Spain, and remained a wanted man in Germany until his 1997 death in at 85.

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