
主题:【原创】回到国内才发现美国教育真的很不错 -- cyonghu

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家园 其实美国小孩儿学习压力大着呢

看看佐治亚州对一年级小学生的要求吧,我只是抄了有关Social Studies的一部分。本人当年上一年级的时候,哪里知道这些东西。。。

1st Grade Social Studies Sequence

1 Describes proper etiquette during the Pledge of Allegiance and "The Star Spangled Banner."

2 Describes the roles and responsibilities of members of various family units.

3 Identifies the need for family and community rules. Recognizes that these rules may vary from culture to culture.

4 Compares how families of the United States, Canada and Mexico meet their basic needs and wants.

5 Distinguishes between jobs that produce goods and jobs that perform services.

6 Distinguishes between producers and consumers.

7 Compares and contrasts modes of land, air and water transportation. Describes how modes of transportation link goods and consumers.

8 Describes the differences between human resources (people at work) and natural resources (water, soil, wood, coal, etc.).

9 Describes how division of labor in families helps complete a task.

10 Compares and contrasts a world map and a globe.


24 Uses various print and non-print reference sources to locate information.

25 Arranges events, facts and ideas in sequence.

26 Matches written concepts to pictorial representations.

27 Constructs and uses simple graphs and charts, e.g., bar, line and circle graphs.


36 Demonstrates responsibility for one's action.

37 Assumes leadership role in accomplishing tasks.

38 Follows established rules.

39 Shows respect toward others.

40 Works within a group, following set rules of procedures to complete an assigned task.

41 Identifies and uses alternative methods of conflict resolution.


关键词(Tags): #美国小学生#社会研究
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