
主题:Credit Crunch -- 修竹

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ECB Starts 3-Day Refinancing Tender to Provide Cash (Update1)

By Christian Vits

Aug. 10 (Bloomberg) -- The European Central Bank said it will launch a three-day quick tender today to add cash after concerns over U.S. subprime mortgage losses continued to roil credit markets and drove overnight interest rates higher.

``This liquidity-providing fine-tuning operation follows up on the operation conducted yesterday and aims to assure orderly conditions in the euro money market,'' the Frankfurt-based ECB said in a statement. The minimum bid rate for the tender will be 4 percent, the ECB added. Bids for the liquidity-providing operation are due by 10:50 a.m. Frankfurt time.

The ECB's announcement comes after the bank yesterday pumped 94.8 billion euros ($130.2 billion) in cash into markets. The overnight euro rate rose as high as 4.27 percent today, compared with the ECB's benchmark refinancing rate of 4 percent.

``Today's `normal' tender will tell us a lot more via the total bid size and the rate about the genuine underlying liquidity need,'' said Kevin Gaynor, head of economics and rates strategy at Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc. ``Funding from the ECB yesterday must have drawn firms into overbidding to access the cheap cash to lend on at even healthier-than-normal spreads.''

This morning the ECB said it will continue to ``closely monitor'' the conditions on the euro money market in response to a sudden demand for cash.

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Financial stocks fell sharply to start Friday as fears of a systemwide seizure in the secondary mortgage market and a broadening credit crunch sent shivers through investors.

The Federal Reserve acknowledged the problems Friday morning, steppping in to buy $19 billion of mortgage securities and telling world markets it will assure liquidity.

The U.S. central bank said it's providing liquidity "to facilitate the orderly functioning of financial markets." In a statement, the Fed said it will provide reserves "as necessary" through open-market operations to promote trading in the federal funds market at rates close to 5.25%.

In addition, the Fed noted that banks may experience "unusual funding needs because of dislocations in money and credit markets." Other central banks injected funds overnight.

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