
主题:贺少强夫妇和贝克夫妇孩子官司:田纳西最高法庭裁决 -- bnugirl

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家园 一审法院判决书


他们明白转监护权的意义 也明白如果他们想重新要回女儿 需要贝克家同意 如果不同意 必须上法庭 不是暂时性的 不是他们想要随时可以要回来的

126. The evidence establishes that both the Hes and the Bakers understood the June 4, 1999, Consent Order Awarding Custody before they signed it.

127. The evidence establishes that Mr. and Mrs. He understood that if the Bakers did not agree to relinquish custody of AMH, the only way for the Hes to regain custody of AMH would be for the Hes to petition a court to regain custody, and the court would then determine whether the Hes would be allowed to regain custody of AMH based on a change in circumstances.

128. The evidence establishes that both Mr. and Mrs. He understood, before they signed the June 4, 1999, Consent Order Awarding Custody, that if they filed a subsequent petition to regain custody of AMH, there would be no guarantee or assurance that a court would allow the Hes to regain custody of AMH.

129. There is no credible evidence to support the Hes’ contention that on June 4, 1999, the Hes understood that all the Hes had to do to regain custody of AMH in the future was to petition a court and custody of AMH would be returned automatically to the Hes.

他们不去看女儿是因为怕被警察逮捕 法庭认为此说法没有可信度 因为之前贺妻多次耍赖撒泼惊动警察

153. Both Mr. and Mrs. He testified that they did not return to the Bakers’ home to visit AMH after the January 28, 2001, incident because they were afraid that they would be arrested by the police. However, the Court finds this testimony lacking in credibility, since there have been numerous instances when the police were called due to Mrs. He’s inappropriate behavior:

他们把儿子送回中国 且付每月1000抚养费 但是从来没有付过女儿的抚养费 虽然他们清楚他们有义务付

160. Even though there was no child support order in place, the Hes knew they had an obligation to provide child support for AMH from January 28, 2001, to June 20, 2001, as evidenced by statements made to Referee Haltom at Juvenile Court and the fact that they provided support for their son, Andy.


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