
主题:贺少强夫妇和贝克夫妇孩子官司:田纳西最高法庭裁决 -- bnugirl

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家园 建议你去读一下一审的法院判决书


On June 3, 1999, Ms. Chunn and Mr. Kenny Yao, an experienced interpreter in English and Mandarin Chinese, met with Mrs. He, alone, in the Hes’ apartment. Ms. Chunn wanted to make certain that Mrs. He understood what she would be doing if Mrs. He signed a consent custody order, and whether Mrs. He was one hundred percent willing for a transfer of custody of AMH from the Hes to the Bakers. Ms. Chunn explained to Mrs. He the things that Kevin Weaver had said to Ms. Chunn, the Bakers, and Mr. He, the day before in the meeting in Mr. Weaver’s office. Mrs. He indicated that she understood everything that Ms. Chunn had told her through Mr. Yao. Mrs. He asked no questions of Ms. Chunn, through Mr. Yao.

Before the Hes signed the Consent Order Awarding Custody, Ms. Cloud met privately in a conference room with Mrs. He, Ms. Chunn, and Mr. Yao, without Mr. He being present, to explain to Mrs. He the meaning of the Consent Order Awarding Custody. Ms. Cloud related everything necessary to the interpreter, Mr. Yao, to explain to Mrs. He the meaning of the Consent Order Awarding Custody. Mr. Yao explained the Consent Order in the way he thought best for Mrs. He to understand it. He did not read the document to her word for word. Mr. Yao felt that he sufficiently explained the meaning of the document to Mrs. He. Mrs. He said that she understood what Ms. Cloud had said during this meeting, and she made no statements to Ms. Cloud, Mr. Yao, or Ms. Chunn that she did not understand everything that Mr. Yao told her. Mrs. He did ask if this would be temporary custody, and she said the word “temporary” in English.

126. The evidence establishes that both the Hes and the Bakers understood the June 4, 1999, Consent Order Awarding Custody before they signed it.

127. The evidence establishes that Mr. and Mrs. He understood that if the Bakers did not agree to relinquish custody of AMH, the only way for the Hes to regain custody of AMH would be for the Hes to petition a court to regain custody, and the court would then determine whether the Hes would be allowed to regain custody of AMH based on a change in circumstances.

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