
主题:不知道大家知道这个不,Philipp Plein的辱华T恤事件 -- 夜月空山

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家园 参考老酒的写了抗议信,麻烦大家看看还有什么要修改的

To Whom It May Concern:

Please accept this letter as a protest regarding your product "f.u.c.k.u. china" T-shirt.

I have seen photographs of this T-shirt and I want to express grave concern about the apparent racism in your design. The words "f.u.c.k.u.china" are apparently HATE SPEECH against China! Besides,I also read your replies which refered that the words stands for “the fascinating & urban collection: kiss you China”. That is the most ridiculous and irresponsible explanation I have ever heard! These replies are absolutely unacceptable!

We Chinese people are strongly against unethical business practices such as producing and distributing fake products. But the course of anti- unethical business activities should BY NO MEANS take the form of discrimination and humiliation!

I strongly demand an immediate apology on the mainstream media from PHILIPP PLEIN Int. AG company to the Chinese community. Until then, please be advised that I will no longer purchase your product. Additionally, I will inform my friends of this issue, and I will encourage them to spread the news and take the same course of action.

We hope that our protest and requirements have been effectively communicated to you. We retain the right to seek support from media and related authoritative organizations, but we hope that PHILIPP PLEIN will take necessary and immediate actions to help resolve the situation smoothly to avoid serious consequences.

Very truly yours,


准备后天发出,又,假货是用pirate还是fake product?

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