

注册:2008-07-24 14:29:46


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2010-06-17 11:59:06分页 全看 树展
🙂类似的经历 ↑0 ↓0
有一次我到同事家参加 party,和同事的一个朋友交谈。他问了我一个让他疑惑已久的问题。他公司里的中国同事跟中国人打电话时总是说中国话,其间不断地说:“Nigger...NiggerNiggerNiggerNiggerNigger...Nigger...NiggerNigger。 ...
2010-06-16 09:12:25分页 全看 树展
🙂围观 ↑0 ↓0
2010-04-19 07:28:16分页 全看 树展
🙂什么叫敌我矛盾 ↑1 ↓0
New York Times 借“西藏喇嘛”之口(喇嘛真的说过这话吗?还是记者说的?)说: [QUOTE]“We want to save lives. They see this tragedy as an opportunity to make propaganda.” [ ...
2010-04-16 14:43:27分页 全看 树展
🙂原谅我跟街坊邻里不太熟 ↑0 ↓0
2010-04-16 14:04:22分页 全看 树展
🙂四方城是哪里 ↑0 ↓0
当年我在深圳实习,一个广东同事经常说粤语,我们这些北方人大眼瞪小眼听不懂。一个同学遂大喝一声:”说汉语!“--- 大家乐不可支。 Coo同学说的”四方城“我听不懂。遂大喝一声:”说汉语!“[em16] 这位女同事在新泽西南部。我不知道人家对地域有没有要求,你自己根据距 ...
2010-04-16 13:52:44分页 全看 树展
🙂要歪大家歪 ↑0 ↓0
据说是歪成相亲贴了,我索性再横推一把,借懒虫美眉的帖子搭个征婚的梯子。我家领导的同事,女博士,刚工作两三年,非常漂亮,性格极好,又开朗又温柔,善于操持家务。我和领导都是一见就喜欢上这个可爱的姑娘,对于她孑然一身感到很惋惜。听说她也不是因为眼光高或者感情挫折而”剩下“的,可能就是运 ...
2010-04-14 08:04:29分页 全看 树展
🙂Depends on the use ↑1 ↓0
If this is for your own dwelling then you want to choose whatever you prefer. However, if you plan to sell it out in the future, you should ...
2010-03-29 11:48:03分页 全看 树展
🙂Brother, you are in deep ↑0 ↓0
You are in deep trouble,and deeper if your wife is injured. .
2010-03-26 09:05:54分页 全看 树展
🙂Fed website ↑1 ↓0
2010-03-04 09:06:27分页 全看 树展
🙂Throw an egg in spirit ↑2 ↓0
I can't throw an egg at your post but I am strong against your attitude.
2010-02-26 07:45:34分页 全看 树展
🙂waste ↑0 ↓0
I don't think it is wastful. I actually replace it less than 2 hours. Anyway, it is up to you. I would like to recommend two diaper rash ...
2010-02-25 08:18:15分页 全看 树展
🙂Much more frequent than that ↑0 ↓0
Whether the diaper is wet/dirty or not, replace it no more than 2 hours.
2010-01-29 08:41:22分页 全看 树展
🙂Good arguement ↑1 ↓0
Reminds me an articel by Mr. Lu Xun: Literature and Sweating.
2009-11-30 10:34:07分页 全看 树展
🙂Report a problem ↑0 ↓0
Report a problem found when attempting to open the following article: http://www.ccthere.com/article/2571273 A warning message jumped out ...
2009-11-16 13:35:57分页 全看 树展
🙂Why someone threw an egg? ↑1 ↓0
丢草砸下(最近80) 静处闲看 On such a good post.
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