
主题:【有奖竞猜】CCTV4报道中J10之后亮相的重量级先进装备是什么 -- 海水

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家园 多维的货,您就当个乐儿看得了
家园 没有先以前那样,说偷了美国技术嘛;这不是不可忽略的进步吗?
家园 运用纳米技术制造的军事卫星?


家园 不对


家园 这种东西是很难‘突然’跑出来的


家园 呵呵,无法证实的资料显示...


家园 主要是看美国政府的分析是否准确



家园 痕迹还是不少的



家园 这个有趣:中国击落其卫星有外交意义 by James Oberg

中国击落其卫星带有军事和外交意义 by James Oberg


Bold move escalates space war debate


China’s satellite shootdown has military, diplomatic implications




NBC News space analyst

Special to MSNBC

Updated: 3:53 p.m. PT Jan 18, 2007

分析James Oberg

One week ago, a major “space first” occurred high over west central China — and in total darkness. No fiery explosion or glowing clouds would have been seen. But an aging Chinese satellite was instantaneously converted into a 542-mile-high cloud of metallic confetti.


As first reported in Aviation Week and Space Technology, and confirmed a few hours later by National Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe, U.S. intelligence agencies believe that China launched a medium-range military missile from its Xichang spaceport and guided it into a high-speed, head-on collision with a weather satellite called Fengyun-1C.

航空周刊首先报道的消息随后被国家安全理事会发言人证实。美国情报机构相信中国从西昌发射的精确制导的中程导弹高速迎头击中了风云一号气象卫星。For the first known time in history, a missile launched from the ground destroyed an orbiting satellite. The event is supposed to have occurred about 5:30 p.m. ET on Jan. 11, or 6:30 a.m. Beijing time Jan. 12.


Previous anti-satellite weapons tests, conducted during the Cold War, involved either co-orbiting killer satellites (the Soviet approach) or an air-launched anti-satellite missile (the U.S. approach, also considered by the Soviets but never attempted). Some tests involved shooting ground-based anti-missile missiles toward satellites, but those missiles never hit their mark. And a NASA flub of a robot rendezvous in 2004 resulted in the active satellite accidentally hitting — but not damaging — its target satellite.


Extraordinary chain of events


Many of the details surrounding last week's event are classified — but even the unclassified information confirms that something extraordinary occurred.

很多细节仍属保密。但那些非秘密的讯息已证明了这件事非同小可。The North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, routinely releases reports on the orbits of hundreds of satellites of interest. Fengyun was the subject of about one or two reports per day throughout 2006, going into early January. But there were three reports on Jan. 10, then five reports on Jan. 11. And there have been no reports on Fengyun-1C since the time of the reported disintegration.

北美防空司令部NORAD定期报告数以百计卫星的轨道数据,包括每日一到两次 的风云卫星的数据,直到2006年至今年一月。但在10日,关于风云的报告有3份,11日有5份。然后就再也没有了。


Evidence of an actual missile launch would require tracking data from infrared observation satellites operated by the Pentagon. While that information would be highly classified, the obvious confidence among officials promoting this interpretation implies that they do, in fact, possess that sort of evidence.

要证实导弹发射的确切消息,需要五角大楼旗下的红外观察卫星提供跟踪数据,尽管这种数据是绝密,卫星分析官员们的肯定态度已经暗示他们手上确实有这样的证据。It remains remotely


Fengyun's loss also could be due to a massive meteoroid or orbital debris hit, occurring coincidentally within range of China’s main space launch base. But the odds of that are even smaller.


How big — and how high — a threat?


Why Fengyun became such an object of interest to U.S. military intelligence agencies in the days before the missile launch remains intriguing — and possibly of critical importance. Perhaps the retired satellite had been reactivated, and observers recognized this as an omen of the impending fireworks.




In fact, the reason the U.S. Air Force chose the air-launched anti-satellite system is that it does not have to have its target line up with a ground-based missile pad. Naturally, a real target in the real world would never make such a helpful maneuver.



The geometry of this particular test (and also, whether this test was the first shot, or the fourth or fifth or more) remains classified. But further leaks and revelations can be expected.


How to avoid a space bullet


Also to be expected are suggested schemes for countermeasures. First of all, space is not under a uniform hazard from ground-based weapons. The higher you are, the less threatened you are. This is partly a matter of travel time: It could take a weapon four to six hours to reach a target in the 24-hour geosynchronous arc over the equator, where critical observation and applications satellites are located. But it's also a matter of accuracy and closing speed. Higher orbits pose much more of a challenge for weapons that depend on a fast relative closing speed for a “kill.”


In lower orbits, the best defense is a good pretense. That is, a potential target may survive by not allowing its hunters to know where it is accurately enough to get a warhead on a collision course. Either the target follows an adequately unpredictable orbit (often only a matter of being a few miles away from where the killer expects it to be), or it is accompanied by decoys in nearby orbits.

在低轨,最好的防守是隐藏。可能的目标通过不让敌人知道位置,从而达不到命中精度来存活。目标可以采取多变难测的轨道,或有诱饵掩护的方法躲过攻击。Deploying a larger number of smaller satellites is also an option. Being able to launch replacement satellites quickly has been considered, but producing and stockpiling enough spare payloads and boosters — and then getting the payload activated quickly enough once it arrives in space — has proven to be an operational and engineering nightmare.


The last-ditch defense — actually trying to stop an incoming impactor — remains a science-fiction dream. And that is largely because the “kill mechanism” of the weapon is so very, very simple.


It’s a throwback to the first weapons our remote ancestors used on the African savannah: Hit the sucker with a rock.


家园 难说啊,不过可以确定的是新东西肯定是里程碑似的东东
家园 那个最可能就是轰六新改型



家园 此文没说谎,但有误导成分

One week ago, a major “space first” occurred high over west central China

For the first known time in history, a missile launched from the ground destroyed an orbiting satellite.

Previous anti-satellite weapons tests, conducted during the Cold War, involved either co-orbiting killer satellites (the Soviet approach) or an air-launched anti-satellite missile (the U.S. approach, also considered by the Soviets but never attempted). Some tests involved shooting ground-based anti-missile missiles toward satellites, but those missiles never hit their mark. And a NASA flub of a robot rendezvous in 2004 resulted in the active satellite accidentally hitting — but not damaging — its target satellite.


家园 分别不大



家园 当全世界都知道你在韬光养晦的时候


家园 不是传闻去年用激光器“照”过美国卫星吗?



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