
主题:【文摘】流星划过夜空之 郭嵩焘 -- 老广

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家园 你一上来就语出惊人

想多问你几句吧, 一概推到某本书上. 你既然那么了解何不自己简要介绍一下? 不能打中文, google一下, 文摘过来也好

"唯有讲理"作为外交官可取, 好过直接当孙子 -- 何况当孙子还需要外交官么? 作为地方大员甚至朝廷军政主官, 这种立场当然是过于软弱. 但看看上下文, 讲的恐怕是前者为多吧? 精通外交事务的多半是鸽派, 这里大致也反映了这么个意思.

家园 You change the topic

Please understand if I can 文摘 that book, I would love to......

If change the topic as "唯有讲理"作为外交官可取, then I advise you to note Guo is not making such propoganda as 作为外交官, as I point it out earlier, he is a social worker who is the rep of this school, and b/w this second opium and Jia Wa, this school is with major influence. as you went beyond to extrem.. . that is not logic, so common base to discuss....

家园 probably u r right ...

从五四运动到鸦片战争 -- 胡绳 ?

家园 Yes!
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