
主题:【原创】目前油价的认识 -- oiler2

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家园 嘴大在什么地方,你可以指出,


家园 半年前的观点,回落至50-60,虽是暂时的,看来成立了。




家园 【文摘】欧佩克成员国可能已非正式同意减产抑制油价



http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年10月05日 09:21 世华财讯



  受这一消息影响,NYMEX原油期货在5日亚洲电子盘中回升至每桶60美元上方。自8月初以来,NYMEX原油期货已下跌近20美元。北京时间09:20,NYMEX 11月期原油上涨0.67美元,报每桶60.08美元。



  报道指出,OPEC 12月将于尼日利亚首府阿布加集会,届时OPEC可望正式同意减产。

家园 【文摘】OPEC said to agree to 1M

OPEC said to agree to 1M barrel-a-day cut

Report: Informal accord to reduce production aimed at keeping price between $50-$55 a barrel.

October 4 2006: 11:03 PM EDT

SINGAPORE (Reuters) -- The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has agreed informally the need to cut production by at least 1 million barrels per day (bpd) to keep the price of its crudes above $50-$55, the Financial Times reported Thursday without naming sources.

It said the majority of the 11-member cartel supported a voluntary reduction, already undertaken last week by Nigeria and Venezuela, in an effort to stem a slide that has wiped nearly $20 or almost 25 percent off the price of crude since early August.

Special Reportfull coverage

OPEC said to agree to 1M barrel-a-day cut

Oil rebounds on Nigerian violence

U.S.: Gas prices lowest since February

OPEC president wants cuts in production

A deal could be ratified at its next meeting in mid-December, the FT said. It quoted "OPEC insiders" saying that Kuwait, Iran and Libya had informally agreed to join Nigeria and Venezuela in cutting back, while the UAE is likely to do so also.

But it also reported that Saudi Arabia, the world's biggest exporter and most influential OPEC member, was unhappy with the broad move towards voluntary cutbacks and would prefer a public position when the group meets in the Nigerian capital Abuja in December.

However, the FT noted that Saudi Arabia had already quietly cut production by about 200,000 bpd over the past two months.

Oil prices rallied sharply on the report, with U.S. crude spiking more than 60 cents higher to above $60 a barrel.

Kuwaiti Oil Minister Sheikh Ali al-Jarrah al-Sabah raised the chance of broader action Wednesday, telling Reuters that Kuwait may also cut back if prices continued to fall sharply - the first of the powerful Gulf producers to take that position.

"OPEC is going to defend a price floor for its oil of $50-$55 a barrel," the FT quoted one OPEC official as saying. Most OPEC members have avoided putting any specific number on the price at which they would cut production, fearful that setting a specific level too high might upset consuming countries.

The OPEC basket of crudes stood at $55.27 a barrel on Tuesday and is typically around $4-$5 below Western benchmarks.

Oil traders said Wednesday that a rise in Saudi Arabia's monthly crude oil prices to European refiners may have signalled the kingdom's desire to reduce shipments by making them less price competitive with other grades.

Nigeria and Venezuela agreed to take 170,000 bpd of crude off the market from the beginning of this month, a token gesture against the cartel's total 30 million bpd production, and traders say they are waiting to hear Saudi Arabia's position.

Stocks of leading oil companies, including Exxon Mobil (Charts), Chevron (Charts), ConocoPhillips (Charts) and BP (Charts), ended higher Wednesday.

家园 【文摘】尼日利亚打仗,油价涨了


Oil rebounds on Nigerian violence

Firefight erupts near Shell facility; crude ends a two-day slide and reverses earlier sell-off sparked by bulging U.S. supplies.

October 4 2006: 3:58 PM EDT

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Oil prices rebounded from eight-month lows Wednesday, ending higher after renewed violence racked OPEC member Nigeria.

U.S. light crude for October delivery settled up 73 cents at 59.41 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Oil fell as low as $57.75 earlier in the session after the weekly inventory report showed a big build in U.S. crude and gasoline supplies.

But the Nigerian violence ended that slide.

Nigerian militants and troops engaged in a major firefight near an oil pumping station operated by Royal Dutch Shell in the eastern part of the Niger Delta on Wednesday, militants said.

The militant group Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta said it killed nine soldiers and seized two military boats during a 90-minute firefight with troops in the oil heartland of Africa's top oil producer.

The group said in an e-mail to the media that it was sending another 500 fighters into Rivers State in the eastern delta to begin a "number of strategic attacks" on the oil industry.

"If there is more fighting there [in Nigeria], our supplies of light, sweet crude will be directly affected," Mark Waggoner, president of Excel Futures in Huntington Beach, California, told Reuters.

Nigeria, the world's eighth-largest oil exporter, has seen 500,000 barrels of its prized sweet, light crude shut in as militants from a poor but oil-rich region battle with the government for a greater share of the nation's oil wealth.

Bulging supplies

Earlier in the day, the Energy Information Administration said crude stocks rose by 3.3 million barrels. Analysts were looking for a decline of 500,000 barrels, according to Reuters.

Distillates, used to make heating oil and diesel fuel and closely watched ahead of the winter months, rose by 200,000 barrels, while gasoline supplies rose by 1.2 million barrels. Analysts were looking for a build of 700,000 barrels in gasoline and 1.5 million barrel gain in distillates.

EIA said supplies of gasoline, distillates and crude are either above or well above average levels for this time of year.

Oil prices have slid in recent weeks, losing more than 25 percent from an all-time, noninflation-adjusted trading high of $78.40 set in July, as tensions eased in the Middle East, oil entered its traditional low-demand season and speculative money left the market.

On Tuesday crude closed below the $60 mark for the first time in nearly seven months, pushed down by predictions of brimming U.S. stockpiles and no major hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico.

But the quick slide has sparked concern among some oil-producing countries, and traders took notice Wednesday when OPEC heavyweight Kuwait said it may join Venezuela and Nigeria in voluntarily cutting production.

"Kuwait may voluntarily lower [oil output] in order to maintain the market's stability," Sheikh Ali al-Jarrah al-Sabah told Reuters in an interview.

"The current situation with prices and the big retreat that has taken place is uncomfortable for OPEC nations," he added.

Pressed on price, he told Reuters $60 a barrel for U.S. crude was comfortable, but $50 was worrying.

But Sal Gilbertie, an energy trader at Fimat in New York, said even an OPEC cut might not cause more than a short-term uptick in the price of crude.

On Tuesday OPEC President Edmund Daukoru called on other OPEC members to follow the lead set by Nigeria and Venezuela in cutting exports.

Last week Venezuela and Nigeria said they would cut production by about 170,000 barrels per day.

But the announcement had little effect on price, with some analysts calling the move merely an attempt to hide the fact that neither country is producing up to its full OPEC quota anyway because of years of civil strife or neglected oil field investment.

The world uses nearly 84 million barrels of oil per day, with more than a third of it coming from OPEC.

Although that number may make the announced cut from Venezuela and Nigeria seem trivial, the world can only produce between 1 and 2 million barrels more per day than it consumes.

It is this tightness between supply and demand, and doubt that future supply will match demand growth, that is the main reason crude prices have tripled over the past four years.

家园 请教一下



家园 先抛个砖


这个期望值,常常和实际情况脱节,心理的成分不少,所以这个问题属于arts,not of science.

家园 这倒是个返朴归真的想法





家园 这个还是个信息不对称的问题啊



家园 那就换个想法



另外还有一个替换能源的问题,油价上去了,油砂就变得可行了,甚至 煤变油也可行了。如此,供应量又上升了,按照供求关系,是否价格又会回落呢?



家园 抛砖是为引玉,没料到砸到你了?


家园 勉强回答


前一阵子看一份资料,说,目前世界上石油日生产量和日消费量只差200万桶, 并且这个差距要越来越小。我认为200万桶是个不大的数字,世界上一有国际政治风吹草动,就会影响到它,从而影响世界供求关系。因此,油价长期上涨是必然的。




家园 地下库存是战略数据,事关国家安全




家园 问问


家园 俺不在那那行.不过


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