
主题:【纪念抗日战争胜利征文】日本人培养的“军火专家”-我的曾祖父和地雷战 -- 大鹏翔宇

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家园 无法想象6千多公里的大深坑
家园 最可恨就是这些汉奸了,什么时候都少不了这些东西,想想


家园 想起一个包子的笑话,"离馅儿还有30里", 瞧这包子蒸的
家园 我哭、、、、这坑又跳早了、、、、、、、、、


家园 好,花
家园 掌握节奏,注意休息!花
家园 又是实事不足史实凑啊


家园 This time I just use a little,the battles with time.

All others are heard from my grandfather.

And sister, please listen to me, I know you for almost a month, and read your articles for a long time.

Can you please sometimes show a little kind and respect to the writers and friends who get the sofa before you?

I know you are good at searching,but almost all of us are not born as a talent who knows evetything, we have to use something from others.

So please,please,你好我好大家好,this is the thesis of CCHERE, can you please be so kind to tell me:do you agree?

Thank you for your patience!

家园 陵水机场的照片知道把




家园 Again,看到核潜出来了和看出它带没带弹,要去哪里是两码事

You can watch the airport,so what?

Can you know what they have for lunch?

The guys in those enterprises know it.

家园 补一句



家园 Respect:) Respect:)

不惜姊姊这有点那个啥了吧.. 呵呵.. 咱不催想必大鹏兄弟也会尽量而为之的.. Respect 一下吧.呵呵. 这河里气氛这么好..

关键词(Tags): #Respect
家园 Sigh,what I said is not what happening.

I am just heard of it from a member of PLA Navy.If you donot believe it, I cannot force you.

Anyway,please donot write anymore in this article, it is already a bias from the subject.If you have something to say, you can write an independent article.


家园 Thank you for your understanding,Brother Samuel

For writing this series,I can only sleep at most 5 hours a day, always thinking how to improve the words and structure, not searching google then copy and paste.Then in the daytime, I must try my best in lab and my cousin is in hospital now, I must look after him.

I am not asking for prizing or whatelse, I just want to explain myself.

Thank you very much!Flower!

家园 全英文哼哼,俺十三不靠去了
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