
主题:我个人对宗教信仰是这么看的 -- donkeyking

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家园 这个帖子里面有很多的逻辑问题












家园 正确的前提也会推导出迷迷糊糊的结论






家园 支持李根



家园 基督教在中国的竞争对手很多




家园 您别误会,我还不吸毒,我只是觉得西方社会有些好的经验,中国可以借鉴……





家园 黑岛兄说的对,所谓基督徒受迫害



家园 自杀是上不了天堂的,必须假借他人之手……



家园 中世纪距离基督教开创基业,已经相去甚远了








家园 把党当宗教,真的不知道还有什么不叫宗教


家园 您忘了提天主教的一些致命缺陷

1. 不允许离婚.任何借口都不行.


2. 禁止避孕,更别提堕胎.

让12亿人放开了可劲的生? 咱先等等,看印度50年后变成啥样在说行不?

家园 宗教



谁有资格参与选举教皇?大主教吧.他们又是怎么选出来的?大主教+小主教, 等等... 整个过程上帝在哪里?






家园 【文摘】宗教共产主义


The church was a happy and harmonious community. The Christians were so friendly that they always intended to offer

help. They could all be Lei Feng, the Communist Saint in China, if they devoted their lives to Communism instead of God.

Despite the pleasing church life, I had difficulty in believing in Christ not because the Bible was too exotic but because of something familiar that made me sceptical. Since I had never participated in any religious activities before, the strange familiarity kept puzzling me until I compared the Holy Spirit to Communism, Satan to capitalism, and the belief and

practice of Christianity to that of Communism. It is not the contents but the structure and patten of the two belief systems

that are similar.

For the Communist, Communism is the source of all the goodness and true in the world and Communist Party is the saviour of human being; for the Christian, God is goodness and true itself and Christ is the Saviour.

If there is a scientific discovery or other achievements in China, it will inevitably be used as a testimony to how powerful

Mao's thought is, how correct CPC's leadership is and how great the People are. Here the People is a holy word in CPC's dictionary that stands for the source of life and history. I can neither deny the achievements that occurred in the Communist country, nor can I deny that people get more food in North America than in Asia, when a Christian says that this is because there are more Christians praying to God in North America.

On the other side, CPC attributes all evils to capitalism as Christians condemn all evils to Satan. If there is a dispute

inside CPC, the right side must be thought as Marxism, and the wrong side must be thought as capitalism; even though most the individual involved are peasants who do not understand Marx' economics at all, and capitalism has never got chance to develop in China. If a new trend in China does not fit into the revolutionary tradition, it will certainly be labelled bourgeois. Wearing jeans was once criticised as a bourgeois living manner, but I find, ironically, the most in jeans are proletarian in the west society.

Mathematically, we can give a void set any properties without risking a logical conflict; much the same way, the Holy

and the Evil, both Communist's and Christian's, lie so behind the real world that they can explain any thing regardless peoples' ordinary experience.

If the Communism in China is a religion, what is the institute that functions as church? Well, China's society comprises multifunctional communities called working units such as factories, schools, armies, stores or farms. The community is

Communist magic: it is an enterprise when producing; it is a government when planning the housing, children's education,

health and welfare for its employees; it is a church when providing spiritual guidance that helps individual spiritually

grow into Communist. The role of the missionary belongs to political tutors, political commissar or the secretary of the

party branch.

Every week, the working unit puts half day for political study, as youth Christians have an evening for Bible study. These

two studies are functionally the same in their belief systems. They are studies for the believer, propaganda for the secular, education or brain wash for the naive. It enhances the faith of the believers by communicating with the Holy Spirit (or heightening Communism awareness), and it teaches the unbelievers how to approach the holy.

This kind of study begins by reading a verse of Bible, or Mao's Quotation, or an editorial of People's Daily, or a document of CPC. Since the verse is a light from the Holy Spirit, the attendants are asked let it guide their daily life. There are many citations from other verses of the Bible or Marxism's classical works to prove the true of the verse. The proof is very convincing for the believer who has faith on the ures, but the secular consider it an absurd logic to prove each other among the meaningless ures. There are then some testimony about the power of the Holy Spirit, examples of ancient Saints or Red Army Martyrs, and believers' recent experience. They all sound much the same. Having the Holy Spirit or remembering the Party and the People, you body will be filled with almighty power that can accomplish great jobs. Keeping steadily the Holy Spirit, your spirit or thought will be purified every day as well your detailed and subtle behaviours will be corrected. Guiding by the Holy Spirit, you can succeed all your life. If the light of Holy Spirit from the studied verse discloses the sins or evils of every day life, the study will be finished by repents or self-criticises.

Having some rituals to perform is usually another character of religion. A Christian told me that they are not idolatrous.

The rituals in the church connect Christians to God as saluting a national flag connects a person to his country: it is an action in the material world symbolizing the feeling of reverence towards the spiritual world. In fact, while daily feeling is easy to put on the face and is easy to tell, to express a feeling towards a Holy Spirit is too different from common experience that man has to symbolize some actions for this purpose. That is why humankind has developed at least as many rituals as many religions.



关键词(Tags): #宗教#共产主义#信仰

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家园 最近刚看了评论把美国共和党称为世界上最大的宗教政党


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