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主题:【原创】摔跤吧, 洞朗! -- 青颍路
昨晚看了 “摔跤吧!爸爸”。 本来喊老婆孩子一起看,无奈都不响应,自己坐在那里看完了。看时就想:俺咋没从小训练俺那俩小子呢,到现在都不听俺的了, 哎!
仔细品品又想: 咦,不对呀。。。那他们国家队教练咋那么坏呢!这为国增光靠老爸靠谱还是国家队教练靠谱,那个老爸不应该当国家队教练吗? 不提也罢,奥运会也只是拿了个入场卷,奥运会金牌,用不着五个指头去数吧。
仔细品品又想:那其他的方面呢?那他们军队呢? 。。。国家队的都是小人当权,出的都是馊主意。 是谁把摔跤场铺在洞朗了!
前段时间刘胖刘总教练给咱上了一课,中华大地民心所向是任人唯贤。中国体育的辉煌, 绝对是体制的胜利。普及,选拔,决策,执行,复盘。。。我等键盘常委,别望观众席上找谁的老爸。前两天我看摔跤手朱日和排队,不知用不用上场去洞朗!
南华早报八月五号有篇文章回顾1959年毛泽东率文武对阵赫鲁晓夫 ,小赫承沙俄的梦想:妄想分裂西藏,取悦印度。抛开意识形态,这无疑令中国心寒,埋下中苏分裂,间接导致苏联解体。看到陈毅对小赫拍桌(脑补:”我不鸟你“) 大快特快!
王毅说中美正积极准备川普访华。中美和当时中苏当然不一样,但美国一直帮印度压我们。所以借鉴一下,来看看一代的豪气! 会和/敢和川普拍桌子吗?
[URL=www.scmp.com/week-asia/geopolitics/article/2105501/how-mao-and-khrushchev-fought-over-china-india-border-dispute] CHINA-INDIA BORDER DISPUTE [/URL]
Nikita Khrushchev: You have had good relations with India for many years. Suddenly, here is a bloody incident, as a result of which [Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal] Nehru found himself in a very difficult position…If you let me, I will tell you what a guest should not say: the events in Tibet are your fault. You ruled in Tibet (西藏), you should have had your intelligence [agencies] there and should have known about the plans and intentions of the Dalai Lama.
Mao Zedong: Nehru also says that the events in Tibet [were] our fault. Besides, in the Soviet Union they published a TASS declaration on the issue of conflict with India [supporting India].
Khrushchev: Do you really want us to approve of your conflict with India? It would be stupid on our part. The TASS declaration was necessary…
Mao Zedong: Our mistake was that we did not disarm the Dalai Lama right away. But at that time we had no contact with the popular masses of Tibet.
Khrushchev: You have no contact even now with the population of Tibet.
Mao: We have a different understanding of this issue ….
Khrushchev: You were wrong to let the Dalai Lama go. If you allow him an opportunity to flee to India, then what has Nehru to do with it? We believe that the events in Tibet are the fault of the Communist Party of China, not Nehru’s.
Mao: No, this is Nehru’s fault.
Mao: We also support Nehru, but in the question of Tibet we should crush him.
Khrushchev: Why did you have to kill people on the border with India?
Mao: They attacked us first, crossed the border and continued firing for 12 hours.
Zhou: What information do you trust more – India’s or ours?
Khrushchev: Although the Indians attacked first, nobody was killed among the Chinese, and only among the Indians.
Zhou: But what we are supposed to do if they attack us first? We cannot fire in the air. The Indians even crossed the McMahon line.
Chen Yi: I am outraged by your declaration that the aggravation of relationship with India was our fault.
Khrushchev: I am also outraged by your declaration that we are time-servers. We should support [Jawaharlal] Nehru, to help him stay in power.
Mao: The events in Tibet and the border conflict – these are temporary developments…
Khrushchev: Take back your accusations; otherwise we spoil relations between our parties. We are your friends and speak the truth. We never acted as time-servers with regard to anybody.
Chen: But you also lay two political accusations at our door, by saying that both the aggravations of relations with India and the escape of the Dalai Lama were our fault. I believe that you are still acting as time-servers.
Khrushchev: If you consider us time-servers, comrade Chen Yi, then do not offer me your hand. I will not accept it.
Chen: Neither will I. I must tell you I am not afraid of your fury.
Khrushchev: You should not spit from the height of your Marshal title. You do not have enough spit. We cannot be intimidated…
赫鲁晓夫: 为什么在同印度的边界上你们杀了人?