
主题:从个人经历谈下朱相 -- 五福

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家园 水是本地资源,天上天天下雨。汽油是会逐渐减少的。
家园 我没有说美国

或加拿大是完美的,now or in the past or in the future,事实上100年前的美国比现在凄惨的多,大多数的改进只是在过去60年里发生了。

BTW,first, it is always great to chat with you for some insightful chats.

我的要点在于Luo Shi 群体不能逆来顺受,碰上显失公平的待遇,就要说出来。但somebody 自己吸毒酗酒,性行为不检点沦落了,那是活该,不是我说的Luo Shi 群体。

社会的进步是抗争出来的。1890-1910 美国的Progressive Movement就是disadvanged 群体与精英中的改良派合作抗争的成果。不要指望天上掉馅饼,温总理来恩赐。


-there are good laws to abide by. There are bad law to oppose. 美国的civilright Act (民权法)是让美国更和谐的好法。法律说白人与亚洲裔不能使用同一个洗手间,那就是恶法,用ACLU去挑战推翻之。英美都有civil disobedience 的传统。

There is something above law--it is called equality and conscience. It is part of historical heritage of the common law system. 美国法制出了问题--there are various case laws to change or improve it.

当英国人的法制在北美显失公平时,这些英国人的子孙也已给出了他们的答案。总之,there are higher principles above any established laws.

医疗--it is a very tough topic. Obama's solution is similar to that in Canada: cheaper fiscally, but weak incentives for doctors and pharm firms. I do not have full knowledge on this professional topic, so I do not comment further. 我只能说这是一个技术性的难题,不像种族歧视等问题有一个简单的是非的答案。

实际美国有大量人口是吃free lunch.当然是从你们中产那里来的。

--我长去加拿大开会。Their calculation is: you use taxpayer's money to keep this hopeless group of population quiet, so that they will not hurt physically a large group of normal people--***you save money on the police side and have a peaceful downtown in all major Canadian cities.

美国人的答案是拨更多的钱给police 来对抗这些人。以前的福利还过得过去,现在是越来越少。

--我的观点:从纯粹的成本收益分析,加拿大的做法是更好的选择,如果用10美元可以减少2美元的警察支出,避免100美元的他们杀人放火的损失,当然应用加拿大的做法。我查过加拿大省预算,其实他们的70%的大头是教育补贴+公费医疗。警察支出very low. If 我的税1-2% 用于圈住这些自暴自弃的潜在问题人群,用于让他们可以活得过去,而我可以在晚上放心步行美国城市的市中心,this 1-2% is just nothing.

我称此为“necessary evil". 另外,这种人是没能力lobby政客的,根本不是对财政的威胁。

**美国真正的威胁是那些丘八与医保SectionD,前者浪费财政不说,还是民主政体的大敌,惟恐天下不打仗的祸首,美国40%财政支出的源头,最有lobby 能力的群体,未来独裁者的温床,连丘八的统帅Ike都要敲警钟的目标。As to SectionD, I have discussed it in another early post. It is another ticking bomb in 10 years.

--No free lunch 是针对正常人而言。吸毒吸成insane 的人,不是我讨论关心的。

--吸毒问题.穷困人口暴力问题(黑人)。我感觉是可以解决的。但政客们种种原因都不愿意碰。这些都越来越严重,而不是越来越趋向解决。--你太乐观了,加拿大市中心到处是大麻的香味,hehe,I expect no solution to this for 20-30 years. 北美有人权限制政府,所以只能用“养猪”法来圈住其副作用。我知道你要推荐中共的政策:抓起来,强制戒毒,穷困暴力人口强制劳改去掉恶习,培养成基本劳力。

but if you give gov. this power to force people against their free will, gov. will quickly abuse their power for other purposes. 中国不是曾经把政治上的问题人群送近精神病院吗?hehe,in end you can NOT HAVE ALL GOOD STUFF FROM BOTH SYSTEMS, BUT WITHOUT LIVING WITH THE SIDE EFFECT.



--Fully fully agree, but I think so because of GOV. INTRUSION INTO CIVIL LIBERTY ! Dick Cheney is a very dangerous person--even my Republican friends all think in THIS WAY. Homeland Security Act is another problematic act too.


--在正常社会里,这种人永远只是5%-10% 不到的非主流。评价任何一个国家,大家看的是主流的silent majority. public policy is set to address the majority's need/behanvior/expectation. 总有人每天要吸无数毒,把自己手臂扎的跟马蜂窝一样。但政府没必要以他们为制定政策的基础/目标人群。

各朝个代,总有dark side. Even for the 10 years of horrible Cultural Revolution period, there were some bright spots, e.g., less income inequality. 但我们评价之还是看大多数人的生活。


--It depends on nation culture. It does NOT apply to the majority of Greeks, who are dirty tax cheaters. But it still applies to the majority of people in Canada and States.

我曾经问过一些大学年轻人,in STates and Canada, 他们是否碰过大麻。孩子们都不好意思笑了,然后承认100%都碰过。

那为社么碰呢?--好奇,反父母背叛,社交聚会peer pressure, etc。

那现在还碰吗?--100% 不。 因为尝了以后不舒服,or 知道长远害处太大,or 要保持好的健美身体, or 太贵没钱浪费,OR BUSY WITH OTHER STUDY/ACTIVITIES etc。

in summary, the assumption of group rationality still holds in this democratic Anglo nation, IT HOLDS FOR THE MAJORITY AND HOLDS FOR THE MAJORITY OF THE future elites.

一个社会要生存发展,大多数人要工作干活。lf 超出50%的人每天要捧着烟枪过日子,it is not a sustainable society at all.

自由的人也是聪明的人,他们不需要一个总理总统来baby sit them on everything under the name of so-called "public goods". 一个人的智慧设计永远不比上一堆人的自由意志下的设计。 民主党的Obama有好心,但他未必懂good public administration。

家园 哈哈!你对安然的调调对照下伦敦奥运吧!




家园 原来你也算是工作过的人,总懂得事有一利必有一弊





家园 继续揭露洗地行为,某些人扯半天扯得不就是




Active Liberty: Interpreting Our Democratic Constitution


For one thing, it should be possible to trace without much difficulty a line of authority for the making of governmental decisions back to the people themselves—either directly or indirectly through those whom the people have chosen, perhaps instructed, to make certain kinds of decisions in certain ways. And this authority must be broad. The people must have room to decide and leeway to make mistakes.For another, the people themselves should participate in government—though their participation may vary in degree. Participation is most forceful when it is direct, involving, for example, voting, town meetings, political party membership, or issue- or interest-related activities.

It is weak, but still minimally exists, to the extent that it is vicarious, reflected, say, in the understanding that each individual belongs to

the political communitywith the right to participate should he or she choose to do so.

Finally, the people, and their representatives, must have the capacity to exercise their democratic responsibilities. They should possess the tools, such as information and education, necessary to participate and to govern effectively.





baby sit them on everything under the name of so-called "public goods".


家园 安达信发来贺电


家园 这个是老朱最被打脸的



家园 还有那一出:证监会来了洋大人
家园 德勤不久前才给某美国上市中概股出了无法出具意见的审计报告


家园 4大和投行不光是中国太子党


家园 拨改贷本来就是不公平的,盘剥企业养肥银行。



家园 I never said a good word

of Anderson. Can you read???

行业内不齿Anderson 的人很多。中美国内都有。



In the previous post, 我讲的是审计人员应对无证据时的标准做法,是审计准则规定的常识性做法。Enron 审计牵涉的是Fraud, AA的人不仅没阻拦会计违规,很有可能是主动咨询Enron告知其会计准则中的漏洞可钻。

两者牛头不对马嘴,完全是性质不同的两个话题。你以前的post挺有技术含量的,I also put up flower there. 这么现在也跟20岁不到的小愤青似的。

Let's ignore each other.

家园 deloitte China or DeloitteNY


The audit quality for China's Big state-owned enterprises in late 1990s is much better and different: both the Chinese side and American side were very serious. Big 4 China's report is not fully trusted--Big 4 NY has a special taskforce whose sole job is to deal with new China IPO with investors and the SEC. That taskforce reviewed and gave a very hard time to those state-enterprises.

If my memory is correct, some audit report was finally issued by American NY office, NOT Big-4 China Division. The legal implication was also very different. hehe, you sound like a Big4 China person, you should know.

After 2003, many China IPOs are from private firms, under some special structures through tax havens. AND INVESTORS HAVE NO DIRECT SHAREHOLDING in the operating companies in China (again, very different from the 1990s China IPOs). Many are even through reverse merger, rather than formal IPOs.

Audit reports are also issued by Big 4 China, NOT Big-4 NY.

家园 that's China's culture/


I know the U.S. chairmans of two of the Big-4 firms: both graduated from non-elite public universities, from average families, but with highly regarded leadership and business vision. As I said to my friends, Big 4 is still and largely a very merit-based place. 当然中国是个怪地方,英美国里的结论可能在中国不适用。


--the city I refered to is SH. We do business in China and had to RESPECT CHINESE TRADITION la... Of course, we all know that. I even saw one guy graduated from 2-year college got recruited. My first reaction is WTF...

But the promotion process is brutal--干不了活的人拖累所有人的前程,从manager到同辈都会背后乱骂的。

区域内太子党--more valuable to investment banking business, less to audit business. A typical IPO project, IB charges 5% of proceeds, Big-4 took 1-2%, but with many many more hours. If you are 太子党, you will choose to go high-pay, easy/big-buck place, which is IB. I chat with friends in Beijing. Now young people are very reluctant to go Big 4--dirty OT place.

So you are in HK or in Guangzhou or B or SH? Big-4 China is going to have a storm of layoff soon. Watch out. SMS me in the future for industry-related chats.

家园 看看美国人怎么打官司的,相信你已经准备好了67万美元罚款


8月24日消息,据国外媒体报道,美国马萨诸塞州一联邦法庭今日宣布,维持此前对一非法下载者的处罚判决。这名被告因非法下载31首歌曲被判罚67.5万美元。  2007年,大学生乔尔·泰拉贝尔(Joel Tenenbaum)因从文件分享网站上下载了31首歌曲,而被美国4大唱片公司起诉。





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