主题:【原创】改变历史的18分钟 -- 晨枫
但在民间段子里,也有说是用朗姆酒的,这才有了狗血的机会。话说纳尔逊泡在朗姆酒里回国之后,赢得身前身后名,这个装他的朗姆酒桶当然也沾了点名人的光,受了一番顶礼膜拜,拜着拜着就发现酒桶底上居然有个洞。有明眼人指出来,准是在回程路上有贪嘴的水手惦记上这个桶里剩下那点酒了,这点酒里还搀着纳尔逊的血。。。。然后朗姆酒就有了个雅名:“Nelson's blood”,英国水手还专门有歌唱,第一句就是“Oh, a drop of Nelson's blood wouldn't do us any harm。”
from the French king,
1. The French royal court believed that New France is so cold and so barren that it could not financially justify further large investment.
2. French king cares too much about land gain in the old world.
3. French general Montcalm won so many battles against English armies, but he was always short on man power and had no professionally trained strong-willed soldiers as good as those red coats.
4. French king perceives the New France only as the supplier of salted cod fish and nice fur. After the 7-year War, French king gave up today's Quebec and only kept two very small fishing islands.
check the map and you will see those two French islands.
the 7-year war.
The French lost Louisburg fortress (Nova Scotia). It is a key fortress on the sail route from France to New France (French navy relies on latitudinal sailing).
Without this fortress, it became more and more difficult to reinforce New France from France.