
主题:得知近一半美国家庭不用交去年的所得税的感想 -- 海外俗人

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家园 有时候看美国华人办事会精神崩溃




华人通常反对社会福利,问题是华人通常没有枪,英语不通,也没有自己族裔的政客给自己说话,家里现金多。也就是说,黑人西语裔失去福利后,第一个抢的就是华人。而反过来说,美国就是被吃穷了,华人实际上是后路最多的 - 绝大多数华人都是60年代后才移民美国的,他们国语/普通话比英语溜多了。

家园 美国最重要的税是政治献金,有政治献金就有参政权



家园 是不交所得税,而不是不交税。
家园 现在也有国内有条件的家庭


家园 第一个问题很好解释




家园 这就是政党体现作用的地方吧。除了人头数,还有个数人头数的


家园 when federal income tax

was first introduced, only 2% of people are qualified to pay INCOME TAX (federal level).

It is not accurate to claim that average Joes are not paying income taxes. At the beginning, income tax was supposed to readjust and reduce income disparity among havenots and haves.

BTW, lots of Americans are still paying real estate taxes and sales taxes. Those are major source of revenue for local governments.

家园 it is a ransom for living in

a more peaceful society.

If rich people refuse to pay, then they should either emmigrate, or spend the tax money on body guards.

In the end, paying INCOME tax could be a more decent and respectable choice.

家园 and they do not

understand the history of America and Canada.

In Canada, it was the Liberal Party that granted Chinese voting right and access to immigration.

In the U.S., it was the Democratic Party that dramatically changed the racially discriminatory society and made the country open to Asian immigrants.

Google "civil right movement"/ "eyes on the prize"/"Charter of Human rights pierre Trudeau".

Most Chinese in States are penny-pinching science-trained math wizards. It is not surprising if they have no idea about the history and are so narrow-minded about after-tax dollars.

家园 the existence of other

minorities ensure that white WASPs could not abuse their power in America against Asians.

Racial balance is a guarantee for the civil rights for all minorities.

家园 yes, previously, voting righ

right was linked to property taxes. No property tax, no voting rights.

Income tax has much shorter history than property taxes--the real estate tax in the Anglo history.

Income tax was introduced for two purposes: finance WWI and reduce income disparity among the superrich and the poor.

Another tool is gift tax and/or death tax (estate tax).

家园 Not owning tax does not mean

anything. Many people can still paying very high income taxes, mine is just one example--with federal/state/city combined.

The monthly withholding rate could be pretty high, in my case, 35-40%.

zero owning tax on April 15 could imply: the withholding rate is SET TOO HIGH, and IRS takes free loan from you and me.

My effective tax rate is too high in 2010, even after tax refund. Crying.

家园 其实这个比例比中国低多了




家园 至理名言啊,受教了,记下了
家园 增值税是国税,个人所得税是地税,两码事。
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