
主题:快讯,四代成功试飞。 -- 种植园土

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家园 纯的傻叉!
家园 战斗机是看家护院的盾,高速轰炸机才是锋利的矛

不能光挨打不还手... 早晚的事儿...


家园 就研发能力而言,眼下美国人还真不如30年前的自己


一方面只能指望一堆老中老印给他们计算,另一方面又不放心,时不时地搞搞间谍调查... 冲着钱来的雇佣军,哪能跟为着理想的志愿军比...


家园 应该是神龙系列镇国大杀器啦



家园 这个高空远程反隐身无人机是啥东东?


家园 胡CORE坚定地否认首飞和盖茨造访有任何关系

盖茨先生是直爽人,他当面问了胡Core首飞怎么回事,胡Core说此事纯属凑巧,绝对不是为了盖茨先生访美专门安排的。于是盖茨先生就方便地认为"I take President Hu at his word that the test had nothing to do with my visit."

Gates said Chinese President Hu Jintao told him the maiden test-flight of the J-20 fighter jet prototype, which could eventually help narrow the military gap with the United States, was not timed to coincide with his visit.

"I asked President Hu about it directly, and he said that the test had absolutely nothing to do with my visit and had been a pre-planned test," Gates told reporters.

Asked whether he believed that, Gates said: "I take President Hu at his word that the test had nothing to do with my visit."

A Pentagon official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Hu and other civilian leaders at the meeting with Gates did not appear aware the J-20 test-flight had happened before the U.S. side pressed them about it.

"When Secretary Gates raised the question of the J-20 test in the meeting with President Hu, it was clear that none of the civilians in the room had been informed," the official told reporters.

The flight of the J-20 may have been timed to coincide with Gates's visit to signal to Chinese people, including military officers, that Beijing was not bowing in the face of U.S. pressure, said Jin Canrong, a professor at Renmin University in Beijing who specialises in China-U.S. relations.

Ardently patriotic Chinese, including some outspoken military officers, have urged the government to press Washington harder over Chinese complaints about U.S. arms sales to Taiwan and U.S. military activities in seas and skies near China.

"This is a kind of military transparency and it's also possibly an internal signal," Jin told Reuters.

"Some people may feel that China is looking too weak and this is to show some muscle," he said. "This says, 'We're not weak. We're also developing our own technology."


Beforehand, reports about the test flight of the jet, which could potentially evade detection by foes, in the southwest Chinese city of Chengdu had been widely circulated on Chinese Internet blogs and online news sites.

They showed pictures of a fighter plane in flight and some offered what were cast as running accounts of the J-20 stealth jet fighter taking off after midday for a short flight from an airport in Chengdu.

The website of the Global Times, a popular newspaper owned by the People's Daily, the ruling Communist Party's main paper, featured a brief report headlined: "J-20 first flight successful".

It published a link to what it said were pictures of the flight (here).

家园 是装傻呀还是真傻呀……


家园 同感,那个时代的美国科研人员有种时代责任感


家园 缺乏幽默细胞的人问句:为啥?
家园 “谁叫你盖茨挑这个日子去中国访问?!”


家园 航母8月上船台...谣传了快5年了吧...
家园 “明年下水”,也听了好几年了
家园 胡CORE当然只能这么说。美国也说航母来只对朝不针对中国
家园 太有才了!支持春晚全体合唱《歌唱祖国》,就这版本。。。
家园 转帖一首歌,













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