
主题:del -- MRandson

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家园 del
家园 三坡羊


家园 朝鲜向韩国放炮,对香港的热钱有无吓阻作用?
家园 不是美国人,是中国的人口
家园 这段写的明白。给安先生送花。
家园 通胀可以买点时间





家园 卢瑟


家园 以前FED会报M3,这个M3是什么意思?



家园 M3就是M2加上大面额存款

M3=M2 +large deposits and other large, long-term deposits。

M3: Since 2006, M3 is no longer published or revealed to the public by the US central bank. However, there are still estimates produced by various private institutions.



家园 悲观了
家园 历史告诉我们:流氓是可以将帝王拉下马滴

流氓有流氓的困难,帝王也有帝王的困难啊。。。 关键是流氓要有流氓的韧性和手段。

家园 热兵器时代,你要打个打折扣哟
家园 寻找生活的阳光而不得,一首无奈的歌,还有些许听说


009 Sound System With A Spirit lyrics

You can be

Whatever u want

When you're high

Walk slowly

With a spirit by your side

(Oh baby)

Don't fear if u lose your mind

Say how u doin' boy I'm feelin' fine

... when somethin' carries me away... hey hey hey hey...

Don't think

Just take a ride

Don't believe

That jesus lied

To keep us all so satisfied

With a sale

U should know baby

Don't feel

The thorny nights

Never ask

For holy rites

Don't ya think

That god has died

This time

And don't stop

Takin' these drugs cuz' they

Got u flyin' forgettin' yesterday

Maybe it's crazy but keep gettin' stoned while u can

Baby in the lord's hands

Don't say

U know what's right

Don't take

Those alibis

Don't hate

The other side

When they're right

Sure they are baby

Don't wave

Your flag up high

Don't praise

Your concubines

Did u just

Fall for lies

This time


009 Sound System

Born To Be Wasted lyrics

Oh the beat's gonna bash gonna break it up

This car's goin' fast gonna speed it up

The night's not gonna last so let's keep it up

We were born to be wasted

Oh the rock's not gonna stop so let's rip it up

The beats are gonna drop you can trip em' up

Your mind is on fire but it's not enough

We were born to be wasted

This gun's blowin up it's just a warning shot

This plane's takin' off on a terror run

This night's gonna end like a missile drop

We were born to be wasted

Baby out loud

Knew that it would come to this

Ain't worth livin'

If you can't get your kicks


on fractional reserve banking:

"Reduce all debt levels as quickly as possible… Figure out what the “bare bones” basic cost for you to exist on planet earth is for 3 months. Then if you can handle it, double that figure and put it in the bank or a shoe box…When the “crunch” happens most economic activity will stop… If there are bank runs the money could get caught but you should see signs before Joe Six Pack and have plenty of time to get your hands on the money.

Now if you have enough resources left buy 500 to 1000 oz of silver or equivalent amount of Gold, 25% coins and the rest bars… and you want .999… If they ask for ID go some place else…If you do all that you have accomplished more and are better prepared than 99% of the population of the US… All you have to do is wait for the shit to hit the fan while living a normal life… no radical guns in the cabin routine… then play it by ear from that point…


right or wrong, worth a read.

家园 是这个么?



家园 【真是什么话都敢说】根本就不应该储备外汇?
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