
主题:【原创】闲话食盐加碘 -- 青方

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家园 俺查了些文献,大家都有对的地方。


家园 哦,这样的话那加热的说法就不知为何了


家园 和食物一起加热也是有可能使碘酸钾变成单质碘的


家园 多年没在甲状腺领域工作了


家园 【文献】Epidemiology of thyroid diseases in iodine sufficiency.

Thyroid. 1998 Dec;8(12):1179-83.

Epidemiology of thyroid diseases in iodine sufficiency.

Lind P, Langsteger W, Molnar M, Gallowitsch HJ, Mikosch P, Gomez I.

Department of Nuclear Medicine & Endocrinology LKH Klagenfurt, Austria.

Epidemiology of thyroid diseases in iodine-sufficient areas (ISA) deals with sporadic goiter, thyroid autoimmune diseases, and thyroid cancer. A comparison between the different studies performed is difficult because methods have changed over time and selection criteria and definitions such as prevalence or incidence were not used consistently by some authors. Sporadic goiter: in ISA, autoimmune processes play a major role in the development of sporadic goiter. In adults, sporadic diffuse goiter is most frequent in young women (16%), perhaps due to additional relative iodine deficiency especially in pregnancy, and declines with age (<10%). Sporadic nodular goiter increases from 5% in young women to 9% in older women. Autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD): thyroid autoantibodies (TAb) and histopathological lymphocytic infiltration of the thyroid is much more common in ISA (4.6% in women; 1.1% in men) than in iodine-deficient areas (IDA). The prevalence and incidence of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism varies, depending on whether overt and subclinical forms are included and whether newly or previously diagnosed dysfunction is considered. In an overview of the literature, the prevalence is 2 in 1000 for overt and 6 in 1000 for subclinical hyperthyroidism in ISA. The values for hypothyroidism are 5 in 1000 and 15 in 1000, respectively. Change from IDA to ISA: in former IDA, the percentage of hyperthyroidism increases up to 4 years after salt iodination. Whereas this effect is transient for Plummer's disease, a change from IDA to ISA seems to lead to a permanent increase in overt and subclinical Graves' disease. Thyroid cancer: most studies demonstrate that the histopathological types of thyroid cancer are different in IDA and ISA. There is a tendency toward an increase in differentiated and decrease of anaplastic cancer. The ratio of papillary to follicular thyroid cancer ranges from 6.5:1 to 3.4:1 in areas with high iodine intake, decreases 3.7:1 to 1.6:1 in areas with moderate iodine intake, and ranges from 1.7:1 to 0.19:1 in IDA.

家园 国内从秦始皇统一以来总是爱搞政策一刀切


家园 其实是借口,食盐专卖很赚钱的.





家园 甲亢原因?

青方兄的多个帖子都显示兄台是正经医生出身。 小弟也是。 但是没记得吃多了碘会得甲亢啊? 兄台能给个专业文章看看吗? 小弟补补课。

家园 食盐强制加碘以前也是专卖的


家园 自唐以来,食盐专卖就是政府的税收大头之一啊


家园 中文文献很少




家园 我记得教科书讲过的。


家园 加碘和无碘的盐一起卖? 万万使不得!


家园 有为医学原因而不加碘的盐卖。国内亦然。
家园 呃 这个


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