
主题:【原创】新德里英联邦运动会喜剧系列(1):床塌了和封口令 -- daharry

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家园 网易?还指不定背后那只手是哪家的呢。
家园 谢谢!



家园 你发你的


家园 眼见得他起高楼,眼见得他床塌了




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~--______-~ ~-___-~翩翩起舞,印度队想不赢都不行啊,为啥,客队全吓跑了呗。

家园 我去发了
家园 大英对国民的cwg的旅行建议


Passports & Visas

Your passport needs to be valid for a minimum of six months when you travel.

You'll need a visa before travelling to India. These can be obtained from the Indian Visa service, VFS.

Make sure you don't overstay your visa, as you could be fined and may be detained and later deported.

More information on visas can be found on our travel advice for India.

Before you go...

You should seek medical advice before travelling to the Commonwealth Games in India and ensure that all appropriate vaccinations are up-to-date. Health advice for travellers to the XIX Commonwealth Games in Delhi can be found on the National Travel Health Network and Centre (NaTHNac) website

There is a risk of Dengue fever - please read the NaTHNac information sheet

Arrange your tickets and accommodation in advance, as there will be high demand. Only buy tickets from approved websites or outlets.

Check our Travel Advice for India. There is a threat of terrorism in India, and this advice contains a security section detailing the latest threat, any recent incidents and general advice.

Take out adequate insurance. If you fall ill in India it can be extremely expensive to get the treatment you need and unless you have insurance you will have to pay these costs from your own pocket.

Register with us on LOCATE, then in case of emergency we can contact you.

When you get there

Stay vigilant, the Indian authorities are responsible for security arrangements for the Commonwealth Games and you should follow their instructions. If you see anything suspicious such as unattended items you should inform the police. Delhi police officers wear a khaki uniform with a light brown beret and there will be a presence at all venues.

Expect large crowds and possible delays at venues due to security checks, and allow plenty of time to purchase tickets and travel to events.

You will not be able to bring certain items into the venues. These include alcohol, coins, matches/lighters, bottles and cans, food, backpacks, briefcases and large handbags, perfume and video cameras. A full list of what isn't permitted is on the Commonwealth Games website.

Avoid drugs - penalties can be severe. The British High Commission cannot get you out of prison. A lengthy pre-trial detention, usually of several years, is normal in India.


Take care when travelling in Delhi. Poorly maintained roads and congestion cause a large number of serious traffic acidents in Delhi although the authorities have upgraded Delhi's road and public transport systems for the Games. Special care should be taken at night,

Taxis and three wheeled autorickshaws are widely available across Delhi. They are all fitted with meters but you may end up bargaining for a fixed fare. Staff at your hotel/ guesthouse should be able to give you an idea of how much you should pay.

The Delhi Metro Network has been extended for the games.

All tickets holding spectators are entitled to free transport to and from the Games venue on the Delhi Metro and on Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) buses on the day of the event for which their ticket is valid.

More information

Keep an eye out for publications such as the weekly 'Delhi Diary' and 'Time Out Delhi' which are widely availabe and are good guides to what's on in and around Delhi.

The Incredible India website can also help you to plan how to spend any free time.

Info about tickets.





家园 什么衣服这么贵,1700元啊!
家园 地下,三轮车轮圈下的是不是鸽子啊!?


家园 这一半志愿者多半是吃空饷的吧


家园 人家志向高远, 又盯上奥运会了


This is our opportunity and CWG will help

人家就是心宽, 不服不行!

家园 "印度运动员从来不批评别的东道主"!

太逗了, 老印现在辛酸了... 还是别人有问题!

"No Indian athelete has ever criticised the hosting of the games in any country. Audience interpret things in a positive way. You should be positive," said the composer.

还发布了一首歌, 鼓励印度的青年们往开处儿想!

家园 一卷草纸都要200美元,这衣服一点都不贵
家园 广州亚运会志愿者总数为五十万。



家园 广州不会弄得一团糟吧,不乐观
家园 而且这个桥和原来那个拱形结构一点关系都没有,


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