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主题:【资料】汴都赋 -- 人间树
Historical unity and continuing identity between the various stages of the Greek language is often emphasised. Although Greek has undergone morphological and phonological changes comparable to those seen in other languages, there has been no time in its history since classical antiquity where its cultural, literary, and orthographic tradition was interrupted to such an extent that one can easily speak of a new language emerging. Greek speakers today still tend to regard literary works of ancient Greek as part of their own rather than a foreign language.[10] It is also often estimated that the historical changes have been relatively slight compared with some other languages. According to one estimation, "Homeric Greek is probably closer to demotic than twelfth-century Middle English is to modern spoken English."[11] Ancient Greek texts, especially from Biblical Koine onwards, are thus relatively easy to understand for educated modern speakers. The perception of historical unity is also strengthened by the fact that Greek has not split up into a group of separate national daughter languages, as happened with Latin.
还有这句很可疑:Greek speakers today still tend to regard literary works of ancient Greek as part of their own rather than a foreign language.所谓的tend to,比中国人的信心小,比如对我你刚才说“除非你认为这些不算汉语”,觉得理所当然,对希腊人不过是个tend to。
Chaucer belongs to Middle English period. If Homer is easier to Greeks than Chaucer to the English, ancient Greek is easier for Greeks than Classical Chinese to us.
古希腊文纯粹是书写用的, 希腊人只写和看,能读但不说。 中学教育就是以能看懂荷马的奥德赛作考核标准。 由此来看希腊人也只是为了历史传承而学古希腊文。要比的话, 和现在的湖北,湖南人也读不了楚文版的离骚,但看唐诗宋词,捉摸出石碑上的古文没有大问题差不多。
Of course, since greek is an evolving language, nobody SPEAKS ancient greek. It's a written language so even philology graduates won't speak the ancient greek language but they will be able to read it. I stress this because a lot of non-greek people actually say that they speak ancient greek, which to a greek sounds completely weird! The ancient greek language (at least in a greek's point of view) exists only as a written language and nobody is supposed to start a conversation in ancient greek or Koine unless they're quoting an old text. Of course there is some people who use Katharevousa or archaic language in some contexts (the current archbishop of Athens and a lot of clergymen for example tend to use a lot of archaic forms in their speech inside the church, of course the use modern Greek in everyday life and interviews).
Anywayz, although the language is the same and almost all of the modern words are derived from ancient Greek, the older the text is the more difficult it would be for a common greek to understand it. For example an average greek will easily understand the Bible (written in Koine) without trouble, but will need time or even have to ask somebody else in order to "decode" a text written in the 5th century Attican language.
Thus, even my grandma who's a primary school graduate will easily understand Koine and read the Bible in prototype.
A lot of ancient greek, Koine and Katharevousa phrases are also commonly used in modern speech.
So, to sum up, I would say that modern day greeks won't have much trouble to read something in Koine and Byzantine Greek since it's very close grammatically and lexilogically to the modern language. When ancient (mostly Attican) language comes into consideration then most of greeks won't get it immediately but will have to think a little or even ask someone's help in order to understand a phrase. Nevertheless a greek would probably get the meaning out of a carved script (for example on ancient statues, pottery or columns in a museum) but won't usually try to do it since carved text doesn't have spaces and it will take quite a lot of time to separate the words and then find the meaning...
文化传承上和更老的希腊语没法比,所以没有多少盎格鲁智慧书,撒克逊史记流传下来(贝奥武夫和亚瑟王传这种口头史还算不上)。 东罗马也是拉丁文和希腊文通用。其实语言只是文化的载体。通过批评和修改语言来追求原来文化上没有的东西和climb wood to find fish一样。 换了载体,原意都在那里,味道却不在了。