
主题:【原创】六扇门那些事儿 -- 史老柒

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家园 至少知道是什么工具干的


家园 没有标志的作训,不过人家穿的是511.


家园 的确难查,除非是连环作案,而且各地警方串案并案了


家园 拙荆就负责办社保,她说不需要采集指纹啊?
家园 不算很难




家园 我倒,不是吓唬你。误会了~~~~







家园 可能是城市不同吧


家园 这种人一般是多次作案后才被抓到,


家园 这说明公安部作为部一级领导机关没完成职责。


家园 这可能跟美国内政与外交是分属不同部门管有关


家园 现在大陆可以用测谎仪(polygraph )吗?

其实polygraph翻译成测谎仪是不准确的。以前, 美国这边只是警务人员内部调查时可以用, 对普通公民, 法律禁止使用。 但今年来有些州的立法规定法院可以采用polygraph的结果作为证据。

家园 测谎仪可以用,但不能作为证据。



家园 美国有一些州可以, 但附带很多条件

Is a polygraph admissible in court?

Yes, if ruled on by the judge. The judge is least likely to use a polygraph test if it was given by an unaccredited examiner. There is a great deal of activity in the court system today regarding the use of polygraph, the laws are changing rapidly. We will keep you posted if you check back here at our Web site. This statement in available from the American Polygraph Assoc.:

Admissibility - Polygraph results (or psychophysiological detection of deception examinations) are admissible in some federal circuits and some states. More often, such evidence is admissible where the parties have agreed to their admissibility before the examination is given, under terms of a stipulation. Some jurisdictions have absolute bans on admissibility of polygraph results as evidence and even the suggestion that a polygraph examination is involved is sufficient to cause a retrial. The United States Supreme Court has yet to rule on the issue of admissibility, so the rules in federal circuits vary considerably. The Supreme Court has said, in passing, that polygraph examinations raise the issue of Fifth Amendment protection, [Schmerber v. California, 86 S. Ct. 1826 (l966).] The Supreme Court has also held that a Miranda warning before a polygraph examination is sufficient to allow admissibility of a confession that follows an examination, [Wyrick v. Fields, 103 S. Ct. 394 (1982).] In 1993, the Supreme Court removed the restrictive requirements of the 1923 Frye decision on scientific evidence and said Rule 702 requirements were sufficient, [Daubert v. Mettell Dow Pharmaceutcals, 113 S.ct. 2786.]Daubert did not involve lie detection, per se, as an issue, as Frye did, but it had a profound effect on admissibility of polygraph results as evidence, when proffered by the defendants under the principles embodied in the Federal Rules of Evidence expressed in Daubert, see [United States v. Posado (5th Cir. 1995) WL 368417.] Some circuits already have specific rules for admissibility, such as the 11th Circuit which specifies what must be done for polygraph results to be admitted over objection, or under stipulation, [United States v. Piccinonna 885 F.2d 1529 (11th Cir. 1989).] Other circuits have left the decision to the discretion of the trial judge. The rules that states and federal circuits generally follow in stipulated admissibility were established in [State v. Valdez, 371 P.2d 894 (Arizona, 1962).] The rules followed when polygraph results are admitted over objection of opposing counsel usually cite [State v. Dorsey, 539 P.2d 204 (New Mexico, 1975).] Primarily because of Daubert, as well as the impact the other cited cases have had, polygraph examination admissibility is changing in many states. Many appeals, based on the exclusion of polygraph evidence at trial are now under review by appellate courts.

家园 使用polygraph最关键的是设计问答题。

这个是专门的学问。 我太太就是干这个的,非常花时间:)

家园 开玩笑的。呵呵



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