主题:【原创】Apple 平板电脑发布会直播 -- AllenKid
No more no less. Actually, a little less -- it doesn't come with a camera.
* iPad
* Dock Connector to USB Cable
* 10W USB Power Adapter
* Documentation
上面是一个30pin的接口,附带dock,然后可以接USB cable
文后又扯了一大堆有的没的恩怨,把 CPU 和 GPU 的架构说个言之凿凿但没有半点证据和引用,Apple 加入 ARM 阵营是尽人皆知的旧闻,去年中就在风传,倒是 Imagination Tech Apple 特意增股至 10%,不用 PowerVR 吗?
iPad 发布搞完,我怀疑下一个项目就是 iPlay.
就是 Gimmick 的不行。我反正是真心希望它拿出成品来,哪怕跟 X505 式的拿出来摆摆样子也好嘛。
a iPod touch with a camera.
Nearly every pre-loaded app (Address Book, Calender etc.) has been overhauled, a lot of UI elements have been introduced. Not to mention a far snappier experience.
IdeaPad 副线始终没有走出 ThinkPad 的阴影,而且真心要打牌子,产品一定要各个过硬,Lenovo 的搞法是平均稀松,局部亮眼,品牌气质做不出来。
这玩意挨踢术语应是Appliance. 就做几件事,操作简单。
iPad 这几件事是上网(潜水族-多看少发), 查邮件,看照片,读书,玩游戏。不需要会用计算机操作系统。
500刀, 给俺老头,老太太整一个正合适。
毫无疑问!我当时看到Jobs Demo录像,就跳起来了!—— iPad 是继续“革命(revolutionary)”?
Technical Specifications
External buttons and controls
Mac system requirements
Mac computer with USB 2.0 port
Mac OS X v10.5.8 or later
iTunes 9.0 or later (free download from www.itunes.com/download)
iTunes Store account
Internet access
Windows system requirements
PC with USB 2.0 port
Windows 7; Windows Vista; or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 3 or later
iTunes 9.0 or later (free download from www.itunes.com/download)
iTunes Store account
Internet access