
主题:【万众期待】Apple 27号发布全新产品 -- AllenKid

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家园 27号了!27号了!!


家园 几点?
家园 凌晨2:35...


家园 咳咳,偶可不是


家园 二十七号啦,二十七号啦



我不信Calacanis说的Apple Tablet太阳能充电的功能,坐等看是不是偶下注下错

家园 What I want in an iSlate

There are two reasons I did not buy an iPhone. One, the screen is too small for my work. Two, I would really love to take my notes, which includes drawing sketches. The input method on the iPhone is simply too slow and primitive.

So the iSlate apparently will satisfy the first requirement; I sure hope it will address the second, with so much hype on the multi-touch capability.

A new platform on books, movies, etc. sure will be great for apple, but I don't really care.

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家园 今天CNN有实时报道:



Breaking news, live events, and today's top stories

需要 CNN Live Player:


Today's coverage

11:45 AM

World Economic Forum opening

French President Nicolas Sarkozy delivers the opening remarks at the 2010 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Davos 2010

12:00 PM

U.N. Haiti briefing

Officials from the United Nations update disaster relief efforts in Haiti.

12:30 PM

Pentagon briefing

Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell briefs reporters on Defense Department issues.

01:00 PM

Britain, Yemen briefing

British Foreign Minister David Miliband and his Yemeni counterpart speak with reporters in London on fighting terror and other issues.

01:00 PM

Apple announcement

Among other things, Apple is expected to unveil details of the new Apple Tablet, described as a 10-to-11-inch iPhone or iPod Touch.


家园 This is HUGE

Never before a gadget announcement has so much mainstream media coverage.

家园 苹果已经把产品发布做成社会现象了

Google trend上面Obama state of the union 明显干不过apple tablet.

家园 Jobs Starts Soon ?!

Just waiting and starting your CNN live player ......

By AppleInsider Staff

Published: 11:00 PM EST

For the first time in several years, Apple Computer may not provide a live feed of its opening keynote presentation at the Macworld Expo in San Francisco.

Apple chief executive Steve Jobs, reportedly miffed over a series new product leaks, has abruptly pulled the plug on the realtime webcast and satellite broadcast of his Macworld Expo keynote, according to an Apple memo forwarded to the MacInTouch website.

The message reads, in part, "Apple will not be making satellite coordinates available. Although the keynote WILL be available on our web site - it will NOT be available until sometime AFTER the keynote is over. They do NOT have a time determined, so it may not be immediately after the keynote is over. "

家园 好像你赢了呃


家园 谢宝




家园 The hype is HUGE

The product......meh

家园 you are picky...


家园 iPhone成就了App Store.

App store会成就iPad.就是光已经拥有iPhone的人回到家就换个手提大屏幕躺在沙发上上网,看看书什么的市场就够Apple赚了.iTune可以确保你买的书,下载的电影,游戏,甚至你写了一半的功课在两个机器上都可以看到, 用户完全不用专门设置.光这个就可以打倒不知道多少竞争者. 和Ipad硬件性能差不多的Tablet PC会因为缺乏软件应用平台被打得落花流水.估计第二代就会有在ipad和ipod touch中间的硬件产品出现. 而和Ipad竞争的硬件厂商只有被迫团结在Android周围. Microsoft在今年还不能推出有竞争力的产品的话,就可能被永久性地排除在这个市场外了.

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