
主题:谷歌退出中国的那些事 -- 果酱

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家园 谷歌退出中国的那些事




3. Google has Gmail servers in China

Some reports have said that the reason Chinese hackers were able to access Gmail accounts is that Google has email servers physically located in China. This is not the case. Google says it has no email servers in the country.

When the company announced its plans to launch google.cn in January 2006, executives said one of the safeguards it planned to use to protect user interests was that it wouldn’t host user-generated content like email and blogs on servers in China.


1. Google failed in China

Google doesn’t say if it’s profitable in China, but there’s certainly no reason to assume it’s not. Baidu, its chief rival, reported net profit of about $153 million on revenue of $468 million for 2008, when it said it had 6,387 employees. Google’s revenue would have perhaps half or two thirds that amount, but it likely has a much lower cost base in China than Baidu, since Google is believed to employ well under 1,000 employees in the country, and can use technology developed by its U.S. headquarters.



But as growth in search and the Internet-at-large goes global, Google’s biggest competitors will increasingly come from China. With it’s announcement this week, it just communicated a powerful message to the world’s democracies or other anti-Chinese factions: Baidu is in the Chinese Government’s pocket; we’re not.

As I pointed out yesterday, this could loom large when it comes to future acquisitions. A number of Chinese Internet companies are building hoards of cash and valuable stock currencies. It’s possible those companies will start competing with Google for acquisitions both in the Valley and the rest of the world. Google, after all, has announced that its shopping spree is heating up, and given the woeful state of its competitors in the US (Yahoo and AOL are too damaged to out-bid Google; Facebook doesn’t yet have a stock currency) Chinese Internet companies could emerge as its chief competitors for hot properties and talented staffs of engineers.

I’m not suggesting that this is why Google made the move, nor do I know if the senior executives even view this as a potential threat. But should a Chinese Internet company make a bid for a US Internet gem, this week’s events will no doubt be brought up as a reason the US government should block it—something we’ve already seen when Arab companies have bid for ownership of US port controllers and financial institutions. That could prove a pretty savvy side-benefit for the search giant as the Internet battles of the next decade start to heat up.

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家园 McAfee已经确认攻击谷歌的代码



Microsoft issued a warning on Thursday about the new hole and said it was working on a patch. The vulnerability affects IE 6, 7 and 8 on all the modern versions of Windows, including Windows 7, according to Microsoft's advisory. Microsoft said IE 6 was the browser version being used on the computers that were targeted in the attacks.

还说,这次有超过30家的硅谷企业的源代码被窃。包括Adobe公司、雅虎,赛门铁克,Juniper,Northrop Grumman、陶氏化学公司。

McAfee says references in the IE-related attack code it analyzed indicate that the attackers called the operation "Aurora" and that the attack was extremely sophisticated.


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家园 啊?McAfee改行搞情报了?



家园 不是行动代号



家园 谢谢:作者意外获得【通宝】一枚
家园 布隆伯格说:谷歌否认关闭.cn


Jan. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Google Inc., operator of the world’s most-popular Internet search engine, denied media reports that it has decided to shut Google.cn site and close its China office.

Today, Google is operating its business as usual in China and is still censoring search results on Google.cn, a spokeswoman, who declined to be identified, said. Its employees in China are still going to work, she said.


家园 google不退出中国就是只小狗
家园 NBA中国首席执行官陈永正将出任谷歌中国区总裁

Bianews 1月15日消息 有消息人士透露,NBA中国首席执行官陈永正将出任谷歌中国区总裁。自李开复离职后,杨文洛负责谷歌在中国工程与研发方面的职责,刘允接负责谷歌大中华区商务及运营方面的职责。



家园 真不走了呀?不是说要跟TG谈判吗?


家园 Google竟然玩起了模糊



家园 据说NSA参与了对这次黑客行为的调查
家园 谷歌Android被赶出了Linux Kernel

Google玩了一个花招,在kernel和应用程序之间,自己做了一个中间层,这样就既不违反GPL许可,又能不让 外界看到厂商的硬件驱动和应用程序的源码。它修改了Kernel,但是又不提供修改的细节,自己搞了一个封闭的系统。说得难听一点,它利用了开源社区,要求开源社区为它做贡献,却又不愿提供回报。

Linux Kernel的维护者Greg Kroah-Hartman宣布,将Android 代码从 Linux kernel 代码库中删除。这意味着,Linux Kernel的开发小组不认可Android的贡献,两者产生了冲突。

Greg Kroah-Hartman写了一篇详细的文章,解释这个决定。下面就来看看,他是怎么说的,以及Android到底是一个什么样的系统。

“Google has taken the Linux kernel, and nothing else from a "traditional" Linux system.


这就是说,与Ubuntu、Debian、Redhat这样的传统Linux发行版相比,只有系统的底层结构是一样的,其他东西在Android 里都不一样,尤其是程序员的编程接口是完全不同的。因此,Android应用程序都必须重新写过,现存的Linux程序无法移植上去。所以,从严格意义上说,Android是一种全新的系统,它与Linux的距离,比Mac OS与Linux的距离还要远。

“...any drivers written for Android hardware platforms, can not get merged into the main kernel tree because they have dependencies on code that only lives in Google's kernel tree, causing it to fail to build in the kernel.org tree.


Because of this, Google has now prevented a large chunk of hardware drivers and platform code from ever getting merged into the main kernel tree. Effectively creating a kernel branch that a number of different vendors are now relying on.


家园 给linux community 添乱

逼硬件驱动选择linux 或 Android,损人利己,Google完全可以做的地到一点,让 android 和 linux 兼容。

家园 阮一峰已经改了




家园 DEL
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