
主题:【文摘】法国的太子党 -- 我爱莫扎特

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家园 从这点上来说,别笑话越南。



家园 高考地区第一的下岗工人二代路过
家园 GF西工大硕士毕业,现在中部二线城市年入10万略少


家园 没搞错吧?我这段时间几乎都在八卦混了,捏捏自己,是自己啊
家园 我无语的说一声,呃,幼稚啊
家园 British aristcrats

also has social responsibility to care about the welfare of his or her subjects. There is a culturally implicit contract there.

I was very confused by your comments. Such as 资产阶级唯心主义的观点, or your 可我们可能不到四十岁就掉光了牙齿,可能过年了还要犹豫下这块猪肉要不要买,--first, 资产阶级唯心主--I do not know how to say; second, I am sure you misunderstood my comments.

I just want to remind the elite class of Chinese: title comes with more responsibility. Currently, they are squeezing every penny from their compatriots and do not dare to fight with the outside world to gain more resources for their own compatriots.

BTW, an aristcratic class in China has already formed, you liked it or not.

家园 80年代,清中期,北宋时期,基层干部世袭比例没有这么大
家园 按比例,现在的这样的道路越来越少了



家园 出自叶永烈的《张春桥传》
家园 看你说滴。。。




家园 同感
家园 转移话题而已。
家园 sorry,itwasjust a silly joke

i don't know what is 资产阶级唯心主 either.

BTW, an aristcratic class in China has already formed, you liked it or not.
at first,we have rich people,powerful families,but i don't think we have an aristcratic class.1.most of the rich people comes from peasant class and remain the old social conscious and hobbies.yes,they are rich,but none of them think they are kind of aristcratic.in my town,one businessman spent one million yuan to hold a dinner party to celebrate his mother's 70 years' age.the boss of my cousin who owns some factory and land in fuzhou,sponsored my cousin about 120thousand yuan to purchase an apartment,for the sake of my cousin's seventeen years' hard and devoted work.most of them are fond of casino.all of them deal their business and problems by all kinds of bribe.not only in china,they behaved all the same wherever they stay. they never fight for anything and have no claims for social issues.all they want is money.they are just rich peasants but got different job.2.the powerful families which control the government positions and national wealth.if these guys are interested with money or women,it would be lucky for us.just let them be.if they are ambitious for political power,it maybe nothing bad, or maybe a disaster.but no doubt,they are all totally corrupted and maybe became idiot because of easy life.3.anyway,by now,we don't have a stable aristcratic class.there's no aristcratic class which would fight for the country and enjoy the first bullet.and for the goddamned one child policy,nobody would like to let their children be killed for anything.

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家园 那怎么我和GF单位进来的新人大都是普通家庭出来的呢?
家园 一屋子的奢侈品就幸福了?


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