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主题:【Reuters】格老警告美国人口老年化带来的负担 -- Chieftain
Greenspan warns on burden of ageing population
JACKSON HOLE, Wyo., Aug 27 (Reuters)
Published: August 27 2004 16:06
Rising pressure on US finances from an aging population makes it vital to quickly fix the social safety net with such steps as raising the age for full retirement benefits, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said on Friday.
“If we have promised more than our economy has the ability to deliver to retirees without unduly diminishing real income gains of workers, as I fear we may have, we must recalibrate our public programs so that pending retirees have time to adjust through other channels,” Greenspan said in prepared remarks at an annual symposium. “If we delay, the adjustments could be abrupt and painful.”
The Fed chief said raising payroll taxes to fund shortfalls in Social Security and Medicare might only worsen the situation by imposing an extra burden on workers. He said altering policy to encourage a longer working life for Americans would help.
Greenspan made no mention of current economic conditions or interest-rate policy in his address to the group of central bankers, academics and economists gathered in at a mountain retreat in Wyoming.
This year’s topic for the annual Jackson Hole symposium is the impact of demographics -- specifically aging populations -- on the global economy.
Greenspan said the United States, which has been relatively open to immigration, is in a better position than some other countries, particularly if American policy-makers and politicians face the need to reform entitlement programs.
“Though the challenges of prospective increasingly stark choices for the United States seem great, the necessary adjustments will likely be smaller than those required in most other developed nations,” Greenspan said.
He said falling birth rates mean population growth in Europe and Japan “have fallen far short of the replacement rate” -- the birth rate needed to keep the population constant in the absence of immigration or changes in lifespans. A potential doubling of the over-65 U.S. population by 2035 will put substantial pressure on U.S. budget deficits and it is important to consider how to deal with the issue to protect the overall economy.
“Financing expected future shortfalls in entitlement trust funds solely through increased payroll taxes would likely exacerbate the problem of reductions in labor supply by diminishing returns to work,” Greenspan warned. He said it would be preferable for Americans to work longer.
“Changes to the age for receiving full retirement benefits or initiatives to slow the growth of Medicare spending could affect retirement decisions, the size of the labor force and saving behavior,” Greenspan said, leaving no doubt that was his preferred option.
奇迹很大程度上是由于劳动力人口占全部人口的比例较高,即所谓的labour dividend。中国的经济高速增长,如油油所言,15-20年的远景繁荣是可期的,如果社会稳定的话。要吸取的教训是东南亚和拉美模式的缺陷--财富分配不均。我们的执政方针也要从让少数人先富起来,向大家共同富裕的目标转化。9月底即将召开的16届4中全会会重点讨论如何加强共产党执政能力,愚以为不能实现共同富裕的话,共产党的执政基石只会削弱,不会加强。建党近80周年了,执政近60年,也该是到了生死攸关的大坎。