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主题:翡翠.你是一种什么东西? -- 夏亚
翡翠是什么?我是在这里找到的 http://www.ccthere.com/article/2333060
* 顏色,即所謂正、陽、濃、和。
* 質地,又稱粗細。
* 透明度,俗稱「水頭」
* 雕工,即雕刻工藝水平
* 重量,即翡翠的大小。
会飞的鱼 问 我们为什么买珠宝?
一般来说,翡翠产自缅甸,质量和价值主要从其颜色,透明度及纯净度等方面来衡量。换句话说, 越绿越好, 越像玻璃越好, 颜色越纯越好。
翡翠和和田玉在收藏方面有很大的不同, 翡翠不必看做工, 只要料本身好就值钱。与字画与古籍相比,更便于保存,与房子和红木家具这类相比,它易于浓缩和转移资产。
翡翠稀缺性决定了它特有的收藏和投资价值。要想收藏的翡翠保值,必须做到宁精勿滥,要记住, 质量差的翡翠, 甚至被用来修桥铺路!应挑选品质上乘的高档A货翡翠,千万不可贪图便宜滥取一些品种差工粗的低价货,后者很难转手买卖或参加拍卖,市场承接力极弱,也很难升值和保值。
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In mineralogy, jade (from Spanish term piedra de ijada (first recorded in 1565) or 'loin stone'), from its reputed efficacy in curing ailments of the loins and kidneys.
Nephrite and jadeite (two kinds of Jade) were used by people from the prehistoric for similar purposes. Jade is tough. It is beautifully coloured and can be delicately shaped. Thus it was not until the 19th century that a French mineralogist determined that "jade" was in fact two different materials. The trade name jadite is sometimes applied to translucent or opaque green glass.
Jade is any of the carved-jade objects produced in China from the Neolithic Period (c. 3000–1500 BC) onward. The Chinese regarded carved-jade objects as intrinsically valuable, and they metaphorically equated jade with human virtues because of its hardness, durability, and (moral) beauty.
In China, A more accurate translation for this character on its own would be 'precious/ornamental rock'. It is seldom, if ever, used on its own to denote 'true' jade in Chinese; for example, one would normally refer to 'ying yu' (硬玉, 'hard jade') for jadeite, or 'ruan yu' (軟玉, 'soft jade') for nephrite. The Chinese names for many ornamental non-jade rocks also incorporate the character 'yù', and it is widely understood by native speakers that such stones are not, in fact, true precious nephrite or jadeite. Even so, for commercial reasons, the names of such stones may well still be translated into English as 'jade', and this practice continues to confuse the unwary.
Chinese people believe the original power source material could be store in Jade.
Material composition of the universe is, this is the basis of the original power generated.
Take the Jade, you can touch the universe power to fix the mind and body unwell.
Generally speaking, as long as they are substances that may arise on the original edge. Force, like air, like the siege around us.
Jade can supply the basic Qi or force to help us.
When the after life, especially after the sense of the original edge can be used by biology through the Jade. In some old Tao book, we can read how to use the original, and can clearly see the way the original use of force from jade.
The Power of Jade
Jade is the second most important material after bronze in the history of Chinese culture, and the belief in its magical powers is evident in Chinese mythology, religion, philosophy, folklore and social life.
It is believed that Jade can protect one from evil and bring good luck. People have been said to escape accidents because they had a piece of Jade on them. In some of these cases, the Jade piece broke, leaving the person unharmed.
Jade is frequently used in Chinese alchemy and medicine. The Chinese believe Jade has the ability to confer immortality, eradicate shortness of breath and thirst, as well as improve the health of the heart, kidneys, lungs and throat. Some people believe that scars on the face and body can be removed if constantly rubbed with a piece of white Jade.
Comforter to the Dead
Jade articles have been used by both the living and the dead. "The living wear Jade as a symbol of their mortal integrity, and Jade accompanies the deceased to comfort their souls". Sacrificial utensils made of Jade were used for offerings to ancestors and in ceremonial respect to the gods of heaven and earth.
Jade is a favorite material used for jewelry such as necklaces, rings, earrings, bracelets, combs and hairpins, and is also often set in walking sticks, caps and sashes
Practical Use
Jade has also been used to make practical items such as brush holders, water cups, armrests and brush washers.
Symbol of Nobility
Jade was frequently worn by the nobility as a sign of their office and authority in early times, Jade axes and spades were carried by the nobility, and these later evolved into Gui - an elegant Jade tablet. The Emperor would also dispatch an official with a Jade "tablet of authority" to proclaim the task assigned to him.
The other early historic/ dynasty in the other area:
Prehistoric and Early Historic Korea
Korean National Treasure No. 191, a gold crown with comma-shaped jades, was excavated from the Heavenly Horse Tomb of Silla and dates to the 5th century AD.The use of jade and other greenstone was a long-term tradition in Korea (c. 850 BC – AD 668). Jade is found in small numbers of pit-houses and burials. The craft production of small comma-shaped and tubular 'jades' using materials such as jade, microcline, jasper, etc in southern Korea originates from the Middle Mumun Pottery Period (c. 850–550 BC). Comma-shaped jades are found on some of the gold crowns of Silla royalty (c. AD 300/400–668) and sumptuous elite burials of the Korean Three Kingdoms. After the state of Silla united the Korean Peninsula in AD 668, the widespread popularisation of death rituals related to Buddhism resulted in the decline of the use of jade in burials as prestige mortuary goods.
Nephrite jade in New Zealand is known as pounamu in the Māori language, playing an important role in Māori culture. It is considered a taonga, or treasure, and therefore protected under the Treaty of Waitangi, and the exploitation of it is restricted and closely monitored. It is found only in the South Island of New Zealand, known as Te Wai Pounamu in Māori — "The [land of] Greenstone Water", or Te Wahi Pounamu — "The Place of Greenstone".
Tools, weapons and ornaments were made of it; in particular adzes, the 'mere' (short club), and the Hei-tiki (neck pendant). These were believed to have their own mana, handed down as valuable heirlooms, and often given as gifts to seal important agreements.
One name used for nephrite jade in New Zealand English is "greenstone." While widely used to describe the material used for jewellery items made for the tourist trade, it is a misnomer and simply engenders confusion. The stone should be correctly referred to as "nephrite" or "nephrite jade". Nephrite jewellery of Maori design is widely popular with locals and tourists, although some of the jade used for these is now imported from British Columbia and elsewhere.
Jadeite Pectoral from the Mayan Classic period. (195mm high)
Jade pendant, found in a tomb in Tikal, Guatemala
Jade was a rare and valued material in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. The only source from which the various indigenous cultures, such as the Olmec and Maya, for example, could obtain jade was located in the Motagua River valley in Guatemala. Jade was largely an elite good, and was usually carved in a variety ways, whether serving as a medium upon which hieroglyphs were inscribed, or shaped into symbolic figurines. Generally, the material was highly symbolic, and it was often employed in the performance of ideological practices and rituals.
Today, Guatemala produces jadeite in a variety of colours, ranging from soft translucent lilac, blue, green, yellow, and black. It is also the source of new colours, including "rainbow jade" and the unique "Galactic Gold," a black jadeite with natural incrustations of gold, silver and platinum.
Prehistoric and Historic India
Jain Temple at Kolanpak or Kolanupaka, 80 KM from Hyderabad, State Capitol of Andhra Pradesh on the route to Warangal : has a 2,000-year-old Jain temple of Mahavira which is a famous place of worship for Jains in the country. The temple is embellished with beautiful images of Tirthankaras. The temple has more than 5 ft high image of Mahavira is carved entirely out of jade (Largest single Jade rock sculpture in the world)
虽然只有260年的历史,翡翠被称为“玉石之王”还是从清朝乾隆年间开始。大学士纪晓岚曾在《阅微草堂笔记》有过这样一段记录:“记余幼时,云南翠玉,当时不以玉视之,今则以为珍玩,价远出真玉上矣。 ”而他提到的“以为珍玩”的云南翠玉,其代表就是当年盛极一时的马家玉,即今天的“传世翡翠” 。