
主题:【原创】美元末日理论:高度投机的经济 -- 子玉

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家园 中间的小段子过几年也许会写


家园 葡萄兄说得对,危机爆发那个时点伯南克确实别无选择。


这些都是过去时了,伯南克的整个solution是不是最优解,估计50年后会有几十篇顶级期刊论文去吵架。我的兴趣在于美联储money base一年翻番这件事对未来会产生什么影响。我始终相信这样的观点——金融危机常有,但全球性同步衰退至少是50年一遇,要达到这个级别,则必然不仅仅是金融意外波动造成的,后面隐藏着生产力(技术更替)大周期的力量。如果考虑到这一层,则现在持续近一年的0利率+量化宽松的措施,有可能是更负面的影响。下面这篇文章关于美元套利交易兴起的描述,值得关注一下(当然有些过愤的言辞不用管它),注意,这正是对本帖题目“高度投机”的一个细节解释。


家园 您说的是对的,我说的也是对的,方向不同


家园 agree. Further info added


--M3/M0 ratio normally stays at 9 in States. After Lehman's collapse, this ratio fell to 6.8 to 6.9. Bernanke hiked the M0 from 800b to almost 2.3t (peak time, now falls to 2t). I remember that M2 data stayed flat even after the Sep crisis last year, due to B's efforts.

Bernanke believed that asset price is the key to maintain corporate/consumer confidence and then stimulate real activity back to normal.

But we often overlook the 5t Euro-dollar market. The Lehman collapse result in temporary USD withdrawal from this market and LIBOR Overnight rate (I watched it closely in Sep) hiked to more than 5% immediately. Several European banks were killed due to their USD exposure. Then USD appreciation triggered the run on Eastern European currencies and then hit back on Western European banks (not including UK).

I have to say Paulson-Bernanke axis of evil are really smart.


--are you sure about your data?? First, you are talking about investment banks, not commercial banks. Commercial banks could never have such high assets/equity ratio(normally should be around 10).

Second, even US investment banks' non-risk-adjusted assets/equity ratios were not that high.

For example, Lehman B/S 2008/1, Assets/Eq = 30.8, a simple leverage measure.

Goldman, Q2/09: 14, Q1/09:13.6, Q4/08:12.7, Q3/08:22.7, even Nov/07 this ratio is 26.


--you compare apple with orange. 12 refers to commercial banks? or securities firms? or investment trust firms?

If that's the ratio from Big 4 commercial banks, then you are comparing US Investment banks to Chinese commercial banks.

If this 12 is based on all the securities firms, then your argument makes sense.



--? no, just maintain reasonable leverage level and gradually improve. Big loss is the reason for leverage increase. 700B is not enough to dramatically improve American banks' balance sheet (B/S)


--that's a bit confusing.


--withdraw M0, since multiplier returns back to normal (say 8 or 9), then M2/M3 could be maintained.

家园 哈哈,赞“以考试为借口”


家园 hehe...

I told my friends in June that China and America formed formal alliance. Most domestic/overseas friends still do not understand what I was talking about.

This alliance is actually approved or supported by some American strategists, though they might be reluctant cooperators. Some approved it out of necessity, some are more accommodating to an ascending China.


--Good thing about doing business with Americans: focus on interests, can trade on anything so long as that's in line with their interests, rational and respect hand-shake agreements.

Much better than sissy Europeans (esp., Frenchmen). I really can not bear with Sarkozy, the so-called American of France. Europeans always muddle business with hypocritical bluff: human rights, Tibet stuff, Uigher, blah...blah. Germans at least know when to stop, this Sarkozy actor did not know when to ARRET at all.

Now this idiot wants to challenge USD and America... after pissing off China, America's largest creditors.

Next 12 months will be delicate. The alliance needs time to solidify and any dramatic domestic changes in China and America will test these contracts.

After that, China will have 8 years of peace with America. Good for China, bless for Chinese Americans.

家园 资本的本质是社会信用,本性是扩张


家园 试着理解一下



家园 美联储是对的


家园 坏账怎么处理?



家园 银行应该不会太笨。

所以,买房尽量避免和short sale扯皮,也许是个好主意。

家园 为什么就不能是一种蓄积行为呢~~


家园 不过有一个好处就是增大房屋的销售量

看这个周五的房屋销售统计,呵呵,大增啊。我估计就是你说的short sale 造成的,呵呵,股市大涨。恭喜奥巴马了。

家园 have you never questioned

whether the whole Sep crisis was masterminded by the axis of Paulson-Bernanke?

It is a well-planned attack with calculated counterpolicies to awe Congress and shock Europe.

家园 中国全面开放金融市场,怎么防止老美打劫






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