
主题:【讨论】【助】放弃也是一种追求.得之我幸,失之我命 -- 夏亚

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家园 身无分文泡妞


家园 钱是必需的


家园 就是就是


家园 泡妞如打仗如炒股


看兄弟你读商学院的,怎么也是前途无量国士无双一大好青年。女人都会老的,今天她再性感再红颜十年后不过一干枯或肥胖黄脸婆尔尔。而我们只要肯吃苦肯努力十年后仍风光无限什么人生第二春第三春随你折腾。举个例子,等你混好了什么China Joy里那些无限娇羞的小妮子还不由着你一车一车的往家里拉。再从两性公平的角度讲,女生都是红颜易老的一辈子值得折腾的只有青春十年,而我们有五十年(至少),那么除非你先天条件出类拔萃或非富既贵,同年龄段的条件比较好的女孩子不爱你,是常态,是物竞天择的规律。



家园 carnegie melon...MSpr

not business college ... with her.. i gain the lucky... i won't want to be the ungood mid-age in 10 years

家园 See. Sorry

Thought you are one of those XBA guys.

Well one thing for sure, you never gain your luck by being with anyone. Honestly it is silly to put that sort of thing in your mind. All you luck is reward for your hard work and exceptional social skills.

That is how I warn myself constantly.

家园 I hear that....


But at this stage.. I still fall love with her, her shadow...

I was a geek.... Computer guy....worked as a chef.... hard working... and luck just coming now....

I hate the ungood mid-age....Now I just know what I need to go...

If something bad happen to me...

I won't forget the diligent and pure when I was....




顺便问一下,Carnegie Mellon的商学院怎么样?

家园 看到了吗?


家园 抱歉


家园 女人怎么是花瓶,它是梦想的载体



即使现在I wasn't into her, I think I am heartbroken...But I Still believe her... never blame her...

I am so jealousy the guy who into her...

家园 Good good good

You really need to sort yourself out for this instance. Were I in your position I would stop seeing her with no excuses whatsoever. Anyways it wouldnt harm you but do not wear any sort of dream, such as she is coming back to you at the end of the day ect. She is gone. Finish.

I have to say that I had been trapped in the same scenario, with a girl, back to my early twenties. I was so depress and my stress almost killed me. She is from the Mordor (魔都) as well. I once thought she was my Goddess for whom I would never hesitate to die for. Her body made me crazy...

I was one hundred percent trapped. But she does not love me. She probablly loves someone else. I don't know. Or maybe I know cause I spent the entire following half year to recover from my pain after she dumped me, and was trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with me.

I was absolutely wrong. I woke up now and I realize that she is not Goddess but just a girl. She is very probably married, maybe she is having her first child. She is working in an office somewhere. She is drinking coffee somewhere. She is learning how to drive somewhere. She is reading under the sun in a park. She is shopping somewhere. She is cooking for her husband and child in her tidy kitchen somewhere. She is now just one of those hundreds of millions of girls people would smile at on the street but would miss out of mind in the next minute.

She does not belong to me. I wipe my tears and I walked ahead. I had no other choice. This is life. So 'dont worry be happy' because tommorrow is one hundred percent another day!

家园 三妞



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家园 100分的投入其实是很危险的




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