
主题:【原创】由一则笑话的随想 -- 林木森森

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家园 【原创】由一则笑话的随想

有个农民有个很出众的儿子,一表人才,一天有个人对父亲说:“这末出众的儿子,我能让他当银行家摩根先生的女婿。” 父亲听完后,瞪起眼说:“你疯了,白日做梦,滚,少拿我开心。”这个人回答:“好,你等着。” 这个人转身去求见大银行家摩根:“我想给您选个女婿,很不错的小伙子。”摩根先生眼皮都没有抬:“我们是甚莫家族,胡言乱语,一派胡言,滚。”这个人笑着说:“您别急,那个人可由来头,他是世界银行的副总裁,年轻有为。”。摩根一听,转怒为喜,说:“那倒是可以考虑,不错。”这个人说:“没有问题,保您满意。”这个人转身就去求见世界银行的总裁,见面就说:“总裁,我准备给您介绍个副总裁,人才呀。”世界银行的总裁轻蔑的说:"不用费心了,我们不缺。”这个人笑着说:“这个人可不一般,他是大银行家摩根先生的女婿。”总裁一听,连忙说:“你早说呀,没有问题,那肯定是人才。”。

我曾开玩笑的和朋友讲过:“不光是孙子兵法加入了MBA教程as reference,春秋战国的诡辩,三国的谋略都是经典范例,也该被发扬光大。”

leverage is a very powerful, sometimes you need to think out of the box. i firmly believe that being creative is essential to any success. there are many cases implementing leverage in business practice, i dont think i have to elaborate. nothing is impossible, you just have to figure out a way to make it happen. oh, yeah, do i sound like a motivation speaker now ?

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家园 Some thoughts,

Leverage is important, but also depended on who is playing. Being creative is totally different concept than being credential. For bigger guys, credential would be not as important as it would be for little guys, so for bigger guys, playing creative game is the powerful tool for further advance in their perspective fields. However, for little guys, cumulating credential should be much more important than being creative. It is probably all about who is playing what. The referred story, the guy going between is playing creative and credential games all together, or at same time, it also can be called gambling, if he could beat his odds, he would prevail, but the chance for him to succeed would be very slim. If he would loss the bet, as very likely, he could have a hard time in rest of his life.

家园 偶不喜欢这个故事,


家园 sure, sort of

i think i know where you are from,i agree with you to some extents. of course, credibility is important in any circumstance regardless you are big fish or not, building relationship and establishing credibility are critical in business. furthermore, a success in any game belongs to the one who can master it, it is obvious that skills count in this context. nonetheless, what i am trying to point out is that people are not restricted from success by what kind of resources they have, a true deal-maker will get there with determination and imagination. from my experience people get ahead of others by thinking ahead of others, we just need to get better at what we do constantly. your input is very insightful, thanks for sharing.

家园 只是个有意思的笑话,不过满有启发。
家园 嗯,老乔和Staind 的讨论都非常不错,如果是中文我就加精了,呵呵
家园 呵呵,理解到了弘扬祖国文化的意义
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